GSOC Doubts

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Kartikey Rawat

Mar 11, 2021, 6:16:18 AM3/11/21
to TensorFlow.js Discussion
Hey Community Members,
                                               As I go through the  Idealist of Tensorflow.js, I am having doubts about the concern of SIMD test as for now is not supported by Web Assembly but in the issue, we have to check the fixed-width SIMD. Is anyone here to help me out there and if possible share some resource on thatScreenshot from 2021-03-11 16-12-50.png

Kartikey Rawat

Mar 14, 2021, 4:08:38 PM3/14/21
to TensorFlow.js Discussion, Kartikey Rawat
If Possible please give a reply on this and also I want to start with tensorflow.js but beginner-friendly issues are already taken can anyone help me out in this?

Ping Yu

Mar 15, 2021, 1:10:49 PM3/15/21
to TensorFlow.js Discussion,
WASM SIMD support is currently behind a flag for Chrome, and should be available in the 91 release (June/21).

Kartikey Rawat

Mar 16, 2021, 4:02:54 PM3/16/21
to TensorFlow.js Discussion, Ping Yu, Kartikey Rawat
Hey Ping, Actually there is an issue with <xnnpack.h> file and I didn't understand why the error is throwing and also I tried to include it using the git repo of xnnpack : 
Can you help me out with this?

.Screenshot from 2021-03-17 01-30-50.png

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