Upcoming SIG TF.js meeting on Feb 2, 5 pm PST

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Sandeep Gupta

Jan 31, 2021, 4:52:27 PM1/31/21
to sig-...@tensorflow.org, tfjs-a...@tensorflow.org, Ping Yu, Masoud Charkhabi, Thea Lamkin, Joana Carrasqueira
Hi All

The next SIG TensorFlow.js community meeting will be held on Tuesday Feb 2 at 5 pm PST.

The topic this week will focus on performance benchmarking of TensorFlow.js and the discussion will be led by Ningixn Hu and the Intel team. We will also discuss any other topics that the community wishes to. 

Here is the agenda for the meeting:
  1. Introductions

  2. Performance Discussion led by Ningxin Hu and the Intel team:

    1. The perf data of TF.js benchmark on CPU and GPU of 10 and 11 gen Intel-based laptops

    2. The perf data of other workloads using TF.js WebGL and Wasm backends

    3. The test methodology and data of power consumption of TF.js WebGL and Wasm backends

    4. Discuss about the collaboration opportunity on TF.js performance benchmarking

  3. Open discussion on topics of interest to the community

Meeting details:


(‪US‬)‪+1 984-212-7130‬ PIN: ‪713 471 541#‬

Sandeep Gupta
Product Manager, TensorFlow 
  •  Google, Inc.
  •  sandee...@google.com
  •  410-370-3394

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