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How to contribute efficiently?

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Oct 21, 2019, 11:07:18 PM10/21/19
to TensorFlow Community Testing
I've read all the contributing related articles and I also searched some keywords on both google groups.
Howevery I could not find any post related to how to work on Tensorflow codebase efficiently. 

I've made my first PR request on Github, I can't trigger the CI manually somehow (why it is not triggered automatically?). 
It takes a lot of time to build Tensorflow from source  code. Could you tell me how can I the make the workflow faster? Or could you provide any docs/blogs to look at?

Thank you

Martin Wicke

Oct 24, 2019, 12:58:25 PM10/24/19
to, TensorFlow Community Testing
Only committers (people who have committed a bunch, and are given write access to the repo) can trigger CI. We monitor PRs and someone should trigger it for you. 

Building TF locally is always a good idea. If you work directly in the files, rebuilding should be fast (although the initial build is definitely slow).

Side note, please move over to We're moving the testing group over there.

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