.h5py file to .tfile with tensorflow 2.0

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bishain navrange

Jan 4, 2020, 5:19:13 AM1/4/20
to TensorFlow Community Testing
i have trained model with tensorflow 2.0 and saved as .h5py file in kerras , now i want to deploy it with my android app as .tfile , how to do this covnvesion with 2.0 

Paige Bailey

Jan 6, 2020, 12:05:55 PM1/6/20
to bishain navrange, TensorFlow Community Testing
Hi, Bishain -
In the future, please post similar technical questions to StackOverflow, using the "tensorflow" tag.

For this example, you should be able to use the Python API for converting TensorFlow 2.x Keras models to TensorFlow Lite (ex: tf.lite.TFLiteConverter). Detailed documentation can be here.


On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 2:19 AM bishain navrange <bishain_...@nitc.ac.in> wrote:
i have trained model with tensorflow 2.0 and saved as .h5py file in kerras , now i want to deploy it with my android app as .tfile , how to do this covnvesion with 2.0 

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Paige Bailey   

Product Manager (TensorFlow)




Paige Bailey

Jan 6, 2020, 12:06:15 PM1/6/20
to bishain navrange, TensorFlow Community Testing
Hi, Bishain -
In the future, please post similar technical questions to StackOverflow, using the "tensorflow" tag.

For this example, you should be able to use the Python API for converting TensorFlow 2.x Keras models to TensorFlow Lite (ex: tf.lite.TFLiteConverter). Detailed documentation can be found here.


On Sat, Jan 4, 2020 at 2:19 AM bishain navrange <bishain_...@nitc.ac.in> wrote:
i have trained model with tensorflow 2.0 and saved as .h5py file in kerras , now i want to deploy it with my android app as .tfile , how to do this covnvesion with 2.0 

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