Hello! I'm a newbie open source coder with a huge interest in the TensorFlow Community.

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Steven Kolawole

Dec 27, 2019, 6:25:02 PM12/27/19
to TensorFlow Community Testing
Hello, folks! 
I'm Steven Kolawole, a ML enthusiast cum CS Undergrad.
I'm new to open source coding, and I have this huge obsession of contributing to the TensorFlow Community.
Currently, I'm on the 'Introduction to Deep Learning using TF 2.0' course on Udacity.
Where do I start from? How do I start contributing?

All advice, tips and suggestions are greatly welcomed.
Thanks so much for being so much of help!

Austin Bennett

Dec 27, 2019, 10:19:12 PM12/27/19
to Steven Kolawole, TensorFlow Community Testing
Some good pointers found on the pages around -->
> --
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Jan 6, 2020, 9:34:47 AM1/6/20
to TensorFlow Community Testing
Hello Steven,

I am an ML enthusiast as well and hold an undergrad BS degree in Applied Mathematics from North Carolina State University. I am fairly new to the open source community as well as I only have prior knowledge of R and MatLab (MatLab from school and R from school and work) and by far my strongest programming skill is SQL (just have the most experience in that due to working in Business Intelligence) - so yeah, not much open source experience besides R! :)

Anyway, I have been working on the “Data Scientist with Python” track on DataCamp - not TF specific, but Python, ML, & DL specific! So far, it seems like it is a pretty good platform to learn on (except for the fact you do all the programming in a browser and that does not help/teach me how to set up my local environment correctly or how to use VirtualEnvs - besides that, I do like the teaching style).

I am curious to hear what you think of the “Introduction To Deep Learning Using TF 2.0” course on Udacity? How is Udacity as a platform overall? Also, have you found any other ML resources to be beneficial that you would not mind sharing with me? I’d really appreciate that!

One resource that I have found to be very helpful is called, “The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book” by Andriy Burkov. The other, which I have not finished yet, is called, “Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems” by Aurelien Geron. I have the first edition but I believe that the newer edition includes Keras as well.

Hey, maybe we can help each other out in the future... with your computer science background and my applied mathematics and statistics background, we could probably help one another out quite a bit! If you are interested let me know and I will post my email address so we can communicate. Hope to chat soon!

- Mike
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