SIG Meeting Notes: 2020-04-10

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Mani Varadarajan

Apr 10, 2020, 3:44:55 PM4/10/20
to SIG TensorBoard
  • Announcement: Graphs in to be available soon

  • Next time: Data Vis dashboard

    • New dashboard that will combine several dashboards (scalars, histograms, images)

    • Example: Click on step in loss curve and see histogram on the same screen

    • Early concepts in the works

  • 1. Combining data from multiple scalar charts

    • Example: Accuracy and Loss are on separate charts, and it’s super inconvenient to have to re-run a script.

    • This problem arises when onboarding new folks to TB.

    • For educational purposes, it’s convenient to see 2 charts overlaid on top of each other.  Simply having a global step slider may not be as intuitive.

  • 2. Running the same model 2 times may result in a common mistake: rewriting data to a previously written series of steps.

    • Happens in Colab with T5

    • Example: If I write to steps 0 - 10, then overwrite data in that range later, there is no way to split / recover the data.

  • How to use tb-nightly in Colab?

    • Requires pip uninstalling tensorboard first, then pip install tb-nightly.

    • Colab is currently on TB 2.2.0.

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