I’m trying out one of GCP’s A100 GPUs for the first time. When using the XLA backend, I see this warning printed several times during the first few training iterations of my model:
2021-01-29 05:31:15.645174: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/gpu/llvm_gpu_backend/gpu_backend_lib.cc:97] Unknown compute capability (8, 0) .Defaulting to telling LLVM that we're compiling for sm_75
I’m on Ubuntu 18.04 with Swift for Tensorflow 0.12, CUDA 11.0 Update 1, and cudnn 8.0.5. The filename of the Swift for Tensorflow version I’m using indicates that it is meant for cudnn 8: swift-tensorflow-RELEASE-0.12-cuda11.0-cudnn8-ubuntu18.04.tar.gz
. I believe cudnn 8 is the compute capability (8, 0)
that the warning is referring to.
Has anyone else seen this warning? I don’t think this is expected?
Thanks Brad, that’s helpful.
My project currently doesn’t build on the nightlies because of a penguin dependency and this issue. I’ll try it with the nightlies as soon as I can build.
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