Re: CNN and updating perceptron

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Adam Crume

May 28, 2020, 12:03:56 AM5/28/20
to Maxime Girard, Rust for TensorFlow
It mostly looks fine, except that


won't assign a value to the variable.  You need to do something like:

let w1: &Variable = ...;
let w1_placeholder = ops::Placeholder::new()
    .build(&mut scope.with_op_name("w1_placeholder"))?;
let w1_assign = ops::assign(w1.output().clone(), w1_placeholder.clone().into(), scope)?;


let new_value: &Tensor = ...;
let mut run_args = SessionRunArgs::new();
run_args.add_feed(&w1_placeholder, 0, new_value);
run_args.add_target(&w1_assign); run_args)?;

A couple of other thoughts:
- You might want to create a NoOp with control dependencies on the variable initializers, so you can initialize all variables to default values by running a single op.
- The loop setting input_tensor to zero isn't necessary because tensors default to zero.

On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 3:29 PM Maxime Girard <> wrote:
Hey everyone !

I'm currently trying to implement an Genetical algorithm in front to made a unsupervised machine learning for a snake (You know the old game on cellphone).

I'm just wondering if I made the things right since I read this topic :!topic/rust/PvhWZn1LGqE

Cause actually, I didn't right my NN with this method. In the example in the repository ( ie : ), I follow the manner to do layer with the layer method and give the good operation to do in variable. Like a remu, tanh or sigmoid in my neuron.

So my code look like this :

struct Bias {
    variable: Variable,

struct Weight {
    variable: Variable,

fn layer<O1: Into<Output>>(
    input: O1,
    input_size: u64,
    output_size: u64,
    activation: &dyn Fn(Output, &mut Scope) -> Result<Output, Status>,
    scope: &mut Scope,
) -> Result<(Weight, Bias, Output), Status> {
    let mut scope = scope.new_sub_scope("layer");
    let scope = &mut scope;
    let w_shape = ops::constant(&[input_size as i64, output_size as i64][..], scope)?;
    let w = Variable::builder()
                .build(w_shape.into(), scope)?,
        .shape(Shape::from(&[input_size, output_size][..]))
        .build(&mut scope.with_op_name("w"))?;
    let b = Variable::builder()
        .build(&mut scope.with_op_name("b"))?;
        Weight {
            variable: w.clone(),
        Bias {
            variable: b.clone(),
                ops::mat_mul(input.into(), w.output().clone(), scope)?.into(),

    // in another scope...
let mut scope = Scope::new_root_scope();
        // Input layer :
        let input: Operation = ops::Placeholder::new()
            .build(&mut scope.with_op_name("input"))?;
        // Hidden layer.
        let (weight_layer_1, bias_layer_1, layer1) = layer(
            &|x, scope| Ok(ops::relu(x, scope)?.into()),
            &mut scope,
        // Hidden layer.
        let (weight_layer_2, bias_layer_2, layer2) = layer(
            &|x, scope| Ok(ops::relu(x, scope)?.into()),
            &mut scope,
        // Output layer.
        let (weight_layer_out, bias_layer_out, layer_output) = layer(
            &|x, scope| Ok(ops::sigmoid(x, scope)?.into()),
            &mut scope,

        // Initialize variables :
        let options = SessionOptions::new();
        let g = scope.graph_mut();
        let session = Session::new(&options, &g)?;
        let mut run_args = SessionRunArgs::new();
        run_args.add_target(&bias_layer_out.variable.initializer()); run_args)?;

My first question is : Am I doing the things right ?

My question depends if my first question is right so I'm going to hope that the answer is a yes.

Whet is the good way to update bias and weight in Variable from the hidden layer ?

I'm trying something like this without success :

    fn update_variable(&mut self) -> Result<[f32; 4], Box<dyn Error>> {
        let mut input_tensor = Tensor::<f32>::new(&[120]);
        let mut run_args = SessionRunArgs::new();
        for index in 0..20 {
            input_tensor[index] = 0.0;

        let result_token = run_args.request_fetch(&self.output.operation, self.output.index); run_args)?;

        let result_tensor: Tensor<f32> = run_args.fetch::<f32>(result_token)?;

I try a lot of things but I'm still be lost... Can you help me ?

Thx !



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Maxime Girard

Jun 8, 2020, 6:03:31 PM6/8/20
to Rust for TensorFlow,
Just see your answer two days ago.

Thanks a lot Adam ! It's work !

You unblock me :)



On Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 6:03:56 AM UTC+2, Adam Crume wrote:
It mostly looks fine, except that


won't assign a value to the variable.  You need to do something like:

let w1: &Variable = ...;
let w1_placeholder = ops::Placeholder::new()
    .build(&mut scope.with_op_name("w1_placeholder"))?;
let w1_assign = ops::assign(w1.output().clone(), w1_placeholder.clone().into(), scope)?;


let new_value: &Tensor = ...;
let mut run_args = SessionRunArgs::new();
run_args.add_feed(&w1_placeholder, 0, new_value);
run_args.add_target(&w1_assign); run_args)?;

A couple of other thoughts:
- You might want to create a NoOp with control dependencies on the variable initializers, so you can initialize all variables to default values by running a single op.
- The loop setting input_tensor to zero isn't necessary because tensors default to zero.

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