Hi again, working through my MNIST example is going quite well so far. I have reached a point now where the graph is fully constructed and I'm beginning to translate the training phase from Python. The cost function used in my book is tf.reduce_mean, I searched through the documentation and understand this specific one is not available in the C bindings. Is there any way to accomplish the same result as tf.reduce_mean using the C-bindings only?
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target_output = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])
ntwk_output_1 = tf.matmul(l3_output, out_layer) + out_layer_bias
cf = td.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=ntwk_output_1, labels=target_output))
// raw logits
let network_output_mul = ops::mat_mul(
&mut layer_scope.with_op_name("network_output_mul"),
let network_output_1 = ops::add(
&mut layer_scope.with_op_name("network_output_1"),
let softmax_cewl = ops::softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(
&mut training_scope.with_op_name("softmax_cewl"),
let cf = ops::mean(
// ?
&mut training_scope.with_op_name("cost_function"),
You can call tensorflow::ops::mean if you're using the new Scope-based graph building. Note that this currently requires the experimental_training feature. If you're using the lower-level graph building (i.e. using tensorflow::Operation), you can use the "Mean" op_type.
On Mon, May 25, 2020 at 10:29 AM 'Robert Blomqvist' via Rust for TensorFlow <ru...@tensorflow.org> wrote:
Hi again, working through my MNIST example is going quite well so far. I have reached a point now where the graph is fully constructed and I'm beginning to translate the training phase from Python. The cost function used in my book is tf.reduce_mean, I searched through the documentation and understand this specific one is not available in the C bindings. Is there any way to accomplish the same result as tf.reduce_mean using the C-bindings only?
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Would you consider checking in the MNIST example to the rust repo? Maybe under examples/?
I think it’d be helpful for a lot of people. (Adam: would you take that patch?)
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ops::constant(&[INPUT_SIZE, HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE][..], layer_scope);
layer_scope.constant(&[INPUT_SIZE, HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE][..]);
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