ZenCortex: Unveiling the Synergy Between Mindfulness and Cognitive Excellence!

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Jack Milton

7:49 AM (6 hours ago) 7:49 AM
to Rust for TensorFlow

Our senses help us navigate the world, create memories, and relate to nature in an invaluable way. Naturally, people who are used to having all their senses working properly and suddenly notice a discrepancy can be frightened. Something unique to that body part quickly becomes overwhelming for the mind to fathom. This is to say that not everyone might have the capacity to adapt to such changes, so imagine mild hearing loss.

Understandably, hearing contributes to the process of forming connections to a certain degree. When this starts to deteriorate, people will almost feel out of sync with the people around them and, worse, the world. That said, one team believes that vitamins, minerals, and specific plant compounds can help with mild hearing loss and brain and cognitive functions. This review aims to introduce the one and only ZenCortex.

ZenCortex: Try it now, you won't be disappointed!

What is ZenCortex?

ZenCortex is a dietary supplement that promotes healthy hearing while improving memory performance and sharpening mental acuity. According to the creator, Jonathan Miller, ZenCortex is the result of years of research and testing, and in his opinion, each serving will "give your ears a rest." Each serving supposedly boasts precise ratios of all-natural ingredients that synergistically improve ear and brain functions. At the time of writing, very little has been disclosed regarding how ZenCortex works. For this reason, our editorial team had to undertake some reverse engineering by first looking closer into the ingredients.

What does each ZenCortex serving contain?

The ZenCortex proprietary herbal blend (200 mg) contains extracts of the following 22 ingredients:
Maca Root

Maca root, or Peruvian ginseng, belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables. Traditionally, this ingredient has been used to treat respiratory and rheumatic conditions; however, more recently, other interesting angles have been studied. For ZenCortex, one could argue that the maca root might improve energy levels and mood. However, human research on this and other reported benefits is limited. Some promising evidence suggests it may help preserve cognitive function, lower inflammation, promote wound healing, and help with nutrient digestion.

ZenCortex: Try it now, you won't be disappointed!

Grape Seed

Grape seed extract (GSE) is made from the pulverized seeds of grapes. These are rich in a wide range of antioxidants (including, but not limited to, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes), which contribute to different health benefits. So far, research has demonstrated GSE's role in reducing blood pressure, improving circulation, collagen levels, and kidney function, reducing oxidative damage and inflammation, preventing infections, protecting the liver, increasing wound healing, and limiting the risk of cancer development.

Regarding brain health, GSE might limit the production of beta-amyloid proteins, which are linked to symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, thereby improving cognitive status and brain antioxidant levels. The potential is relatively strong, but as in the former case, access to repeated results with a wide range of human subjects would help GSE's case.

Eleuthero, or Eleutherococcus senticosus or Siberian ginseng, is a woody shrub whose plant has been used in alternative medicine. The main reason is the plant's adaptogenic properties, which help the body respond properly to stressors. Many of its plant chemicals (e.g., eleutherosides, triterpenoid saponins, and flavones) have been reported to improve the body's antioxidant capacity while decreasing flu complications, reducing physical pain, and lowering cholesterol levels (specifically the bad type).

Another source that covered what available evidence there is on eleuthero summarized that it might also help with "emotional stress, anxiety, and depression," adding that individuals may anticipate "positive effects on their cardiovascular health, improving blood flow and pressure."

Guarana Seed

Guarana is a Brazilian plant whose fruit has been popularly sought after. The extract is made by processing its seeds, which possess therapeutic nutrients. Its profile can be split into stimulants (i.e., caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine) and antioxidants (i.e., tannins, saponins, and catechins). Considering this duo, research has demonstrated its potential role in neutralizing free radicals, reducing fatigue, improving one's ability to learn and recall information, promoting some weight loss (i.e., caffeine's role on metabolic function), and relieving people of diarrhea and constipation.

Equally interesting is its role in boosting heart health, providing pain relief, improving skin appearance, exhibiting antibacterial effects, and inhibiting cancer cell growth. Alas, very little proposes that this ingredient directly influences hearing health.
African Mango

African mango, or Irvingia gabonensis, is a tree native to West Africa. As of late, this ingredient has had people's heads turning for its supposed weight loss outcomes. You might not be aware that it's a rich source of vitamin C and carotenoid antioxidants, which play a critical role in taming inflammation, oxidative stress, and oxidative damage. In addition, its nutritional profile boasts the likes of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and sodium. As per the research of another source, the combination of vitamin C and magnesium might improve hearing, adding that the result might be due to a combination of the antioxidant effect and enhanced blood flow.

Astragalus is an herb employed in traditional Chinese medicine for its ability to boost immune function, promote healthy aging, and exert anti-inflammatory effects. In terms of immune function, this ingredient has been shown to increase the body's production of white blood cells, which are critical for preventing illness. On the topic of heart health, studies have reported that astragalus might widen blood vessels and increase the amount of blood that the heart pumps out, ultimately improving heart function. In search of its effect on hearing loss, we stumbled upon a systematic review examining how traditional Chinese medicine handles the issue.

The researchers summarized that certain herbs might increase bodily fluids, which reduces the development of hearing loss. According to the researchers, such an approach would improve microcirculation in the blood-labyrinth barrier, increase cochlear blood flow, and exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and neuroprotective effects. This includes herbs such as astragalus, Ginkgo biloba, and Panax ginseng. Of course, more research is still warranted for further clarity on the underlying mechanism, but this is a good start.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema sylvestre is a woody climbing shrub native to India, Africa, and Australia. It has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine to treat diabetes. This herb is reckoned to limit the absorption of sugar while stripping people's taste buds of sugar, making sweets less appealing, and controlling blood sugar levels. On the same topic, Gymnema sylvestre is believed to increase insulin production, ensuring that cells, tissues, muscles, and organs in the body pick up on the signals that glucose is readily available in the bloodstream. Aside from the blood sugar angle, this ingredient's tannin and saponin content are reckoned to reduce inflammation, promote weight loss, and improve cholesterol levels.
Chili Pepper

Chili pepper is a fruit from the Capsicum pepper plants. Its notable trait is undoubtedly its spicy flavor. Many people have probably overlooked its rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In relation to hearing health, this ingredient is a rich source of vitamins A and C. The former is rich in beta-carotene, whereas the latter is predominantly known for its antioxidant properties. As for antioxidants, we have the likes of capsanthin, violaxanthin, lutein, capsaicin, sinapic acid, and ferulic acid. Together, these components are trusted to reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases. Some known benefits include pain relief and weight loss.

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Green Tea Leaf

Green tea leaf extract is a concentrated version of green tea. In other words, a single serving has the same nutritional profile as a cup of green tea. Like many of the ingredients in ZenCortex, this one also has antioxidant properties intended to neutralize the effects of free radicals (i.e., inflammation, oxidative stress, and oxidative damage). So far, experts have supposedly advocated green tea consumption for four main health benefits related to its antioxidant content. First, we have heart protection, as green tea's catechins are believed to limit plaque formation in the arteries.

Second, we have its stimulant effects on weight loss by increasing fat burning and improving exercise outcomes. The positive impact that caffeine has on alertness, concentration, and memory means improvements in brain function. Another vital compound, L-theanine, is believed to relax the mind and increase the production of dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters, an essential angle for brain function. Finally, it might improve blood sugar levels by preventing the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Forskohlii is a plant native to Nepal, India, and Thailand. Like some of the ingredients in ZenCortex, this one has also been used in Ayurvedic medicine for healing purposes. So far, alternative medicine has presented forskohlii to prevent further eye deterioration from glaucoma, increase lipase and adenylate cyclase to release fatty acids in the body and improve good cholesterol levels. It might also widen blood vessels and improve blood circulation, but aside from those above, little links this ingredient to brain or hearing function.

Grapefruit seed extract (GFSE) is made from the pulp, seed, and membranes of the grapefruit. Though human research is quite limited, some benefits have either been hypothesized or derived from animal studies. More precisely, it has been revealed to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which could help lower pro-inflammatory markers and improve different health areas.
Asian Ginseng

Asian, or Panax ginseng, is an adaptogenic herb primarily celebrated for its potent antioxidant properties. It is trusted to work on a cellular level to inhibit inflammation, making it a possible candidate for easing the symptoms of eczema and boosting the immune system. In heart health, this ingredient triggers vasorelaxation, where blood vessel walls are maintained at a tension-free level, thereby balancing blood pressure levels. As highlighted previously, Panax ginseng is among the herbs that aim to promote microcirculation in the blood-labyrinth barrier, a phenomenon that would increase cochlear blood flow.
Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry ketone is a natural substance that gives raspberries their red hue and fragrant aroma. For the most part, this ingredient has two underlying mechanisms: breaking down fat and releasing the adiponectin hormone. These are thought to lead to healthy metabolic function and blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, the effects of raspberry ketones were studied using animals or test tubes, with not even a single study based on humans. So, more research is naturally needed to say anything with certainty.

L-glutamine is an amino acid building block for protein. Not only that but this component is also said to play a crucial role in transporting substances through the blood and combating viruses. Regarding health benefits, the same source emphasized its ability to increase white blood cell and intestinal cell counts and improve muscle gain and exercise performance. Regarding ear health, glutamine gets converted into glutamate, a known neurotransmitter that acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter in the hearing brain. This is imperative to ease symptoms of tinnitus and related distress, anxiety, or insomnia.

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L-tyrosine is an amino acid found in the body and extracted from certain poultry and dairy products. It is mainly responsible for increasing the production of several substances, including dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline hormones, thyroid hormones, and melanin pigment. Concerning benefits, the same source reported on its ability to improve mental performance in stressful situations, help those with a specific genetic condition (called phenylketonuria), and alleviate the symptoms of depression. It might ease stress and anxiety and help people think clearly and learn and retain new information. But, of course, these have not been directly tested.

L-arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that is necessary under certain circumstances. For instance, it is heavily relied upon for increasing nitric oxide production, which plays a role in healthy blood flow, mitochondrial function, and cell communication. As a supplement, this ingredient has been liked by athletes for its potential to enhance exercise performance, regulate blood pressure levels, and recover from infection and trauma, to list a few. Interestingly, some studies claim that this amino acid might protect against sensorineural hearing loss and cochlear damage from toxins.

Beta-alanine is a nonessential amino acid that, unlike most amino acids, does not contribute to protein building. Instead, this ingredient is believed to improve athletic performance by increasing muscle carnosine levels, increasing the time before becoming tired, and pushing people through short-duration, high-intensity workouts. Speaking of carnosine, this component is an antioxidant that helps individuals anticipate reduced oxidative stress, slows the effects of aging, and improves heart health. Aside from what has been previously mentioned, there's nothing signifying its ability to help hearing or brain functions.
Monoammonium Glycyrrhizinate

Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate (MAG) is a type of glycyrrhizin found in licorice. From the looks of it, it has been predominantly used to treat liver diseases. One group of researchers that further dug into its effect on the body was particularly interested in cardiac function. Their study concluded that MAG may protect isoproterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial ischemic injury by lowering oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species. This outcome supposedly stems from its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and membrane-protective effects. It is unclear exactly how this ingredient might support brain or hearing functions.
L-Ornithine HCl

L-ornithine HCl is the next nonessential amino acid to qualify for ZenCortex. Together with arginine and citrulline, it is involved in the urea cycle and helps the body produce polyamines critical for cell growth and proliferation. Based on existing studies, it might help improve exercise performance, increase energy levels, and boost metabolic function. In doing so, secondary outcomes include regulated cortisol, blood sugar levels, sleep quality, and oxygen uptake.
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter that blocks specific brain signals and decreases activity to achieve a state of calmness. The supplement version is often consumed not only to promote relaxation but also to reduce stress and symptoms of depression. Other areas naturally affected by GABA include blood pressure function, sleep, and fatigue. According to a recent study that explored the possible reasons for tinnitus, one team highlighted the absence of GABA and glutamate in the auditory cortex as the culprit.

L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid best known for its ability to induce brain and cognitive function. This component becomes 5-HTP and later serotonin, a neurotransmitter that generally improves mood upon consumption. In addition to the aforementioned, L-tryptophan is believed to ease symptoms of depression and anxiety, increase emotional well-being, and strengthen pain tolerance.

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L-carnitine is the final amino acid selected for ZenCortex. It is often a dietary supplement for weight loss and brain function. In the former case, this nutrient is believed to help increase energy production by transporting fatty acids into their cells' powerhouse. As for brain function, L-carnitine might help prevent age-related mental decline, but more research is still needed to understand the underlying mechanisms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How does ZenCortex work?

A: After digging further into the ingredients, our editorial team believes that ZenCortex targets hearing and brain functions by taming inflammation. When the presence of free radicals increases, especially in the inner ear, the impact is on the ears. Hence, as an adjunct therapy, a supplement should boast antioxidants. Another possible angle is its ability to reverse sensorineural hearing loss and cochlear damage from toxins gradually. As for the brain, ZenCortex appears to achieve several things, including directly easing the consequences of aging or inflammation. These are all assumed angles and must be confirmed with the creators.
Q: Is ZenCortex safe?

A: ZenCortex is considered a safe supplement because it contains all-natural ingredients and is stimulant-free. Each bottle has also been manufactured in the United States, specifically in an FDA-registered cGMP facility under strict and sterile conditions. That said, the creators do not recommend this solution to pregnant and nursing mothers. People with pre-existing medical conditions may want to consult a health practitioner before starting.

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Q: Are there other ingredients in ZenCortex?

A: Yes, ZenCortex also contains chromium, which appears to have been added to strengthen the effectiveness of the rest of the formula.
Q: Who is ZenCortex suitable for?

A: ZenCortex is suitable for adults over 18 struggling with poor cognition and hearing. That said, this supplement is unlikely to do wonders for people with severe brain and hearing dysfunction. The goal is to help those mildly affected by these conditions, as they are believed to have a higher chance of reversing the effects.
Q: How should I take ZenCortex?

A: The recommended serving size is one full ZenCortex dropper twice daily.
Q: Is it okay to exceed the recommended serving size for ZenCortex?

A: The creators strongly advise against exceeding the recommended serving size.
Q: What are the benefits of ZenCortex?

A: When taken as directed, individuals will likely experience a positive change in their memory levels, mental acuity, and hearing function.

Order ZenCortex now and start experiencing its benefits right away!
Q: How long will each ZenCortex bottle last?

A: Each ZenCortex bottle has been manufactured to last 30 days.
Q: What is the estimated arrival time for ZenCortex shipments?

A: The estimated arrival time for ZenCortex shipments is between 5 and 7 business days in the contiguous United States. For international orders, it could easily take upwards of 14 business days.
Q: Is ZenCortex protected by a refund policy?

A: Yes, ZenCortex is protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee. If none of the advertised benefits materialize within the first 60 days of using it, contact customer support for a full purchase price refund. It is unclear whether this applies to all bottles or just the unused ones. To get started,

Purchasing ZenCortex

Each ZenCortex bottle is currently offered at $179 each. In addition to the supplement, individuals will also receive digital copies of The Ultimate Tea Remedies and Learn How to Manage Diabetes Type 2.

All orders are covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you aren't completely happy with your purchase, please contact customer service for more information about the return policy or any other questions you may have.

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Wrap Up

ZenCortex is a dual-purpose dietary supplement that helps people with mild hearing loss while tapping into brain power. This supplement is an extensive one, boasting over 20 ingredients. This is the first place where ZenCortex breaks our expectations. Upon digging further into the formula, we are assuming that this supplement works to lower inflammation, which in turn might ease hearing loss. From this angle of attack, a lot of the listed ingredients do contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

There are even a handful that either increase bodily fluids that cross the blood-labyrinth barrier and positively influence the inner ear or ease symptoms of sensorineural hearing loss and cochlear by clearing the body of toxins. The brain-focused ingredients have been established to some extent, which is reassuring. Some of the ingredients do more for brain function than they do for hearing. However, one could argue that the brain and auditory nerve are connected, so improvements in one may imply a direct improvement.

The proprietary blend is not as concentrated either, so each ingredient could be only available in small quantities. Another unexpected factor is pricing. It is unclear why a single bottle would cost so much.

To learn more about ZenCortex, visit the official website today!

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.

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