2019-04-09 Monthly Meeting Summary

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Bairen YI

Apr 9, 2019, 10:53:41 PM4/9/19
to 'Anna Revinskaya' via SIG Networking, Jeroen Bédorf
Hi folks,

Thanks for attending the meeting yesterday! I hope you find the discussion productive.

Here is the summary:
1. Tongxuan submitted the Seastar plugin PR: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/pull/27454
2. Anna updated the C API progress: internal CL pending for review

In the next month, our plan is:
1. Bairen proposed to have a release of existing plugins before TF 2.0
2. Tongxuan will prepare an RFC on FuseRecvTensors

BTW, many of you raised certain technical questions in the meeting that are actually good to raise as GitHub issues. If you find yourself stuck on something, don’t hesitate to raise an issue or send us emails. We in the community are glad to help.

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