Circo2 Reviews: Real Customer Complaints and Warnings - Is This Supplement Right for You?

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ChOTo King

Jun 23, 2024, 6:28:49 AM (8 days ago) Jun 23
to SIG Micro

CircO2 has exploded onto the scene promising a fountain of youth in a lozenge. From improved sleep and boundless energy to a sharper mind and a more youthful you, the claims are certainly enticing. But before diving headfirst into this nitric oxide booster, let's take a critical look.

This review will dissect the science behind CircO2's ingredients, analyze user experiences, and explore whether it lives up to the hype. We'll also delve into potential side effects and uncover any available scientific evidence to support the manufacturer's claims.

Whether you're curious about CircO2 or simply looking for ways to enhance your well-being, this review will equip you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

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What is CircO2?


CircO2 is a lozenge supplement aiming to boost nitric oxide production in your body. Nitric oxide is a molecule crucial for various functions, including blood flow, circulation, and potentially even cognitive function. CircO2 claims a wide range of benefits, from improved sleep and energy to better memory and a more youthful feel.

The formula includes L-citrulline, beet root extract, hawthorn berry, and vitamins B12 and C. These ingredients are thought to contribute to nitric oxide production through various pathways. L-citrulline, for example, converts to L-arginine, a precursor to nitric oxide. Beet root extract contains nitrates, which the body also converts to nitric oxide.

However, the key question remains: does CircO2 deliver on its promises? While some users report positive experiences, the scientific evidence for CircO2's effectiveness is still limited. More research is needed to confirm the specific effects of the lozenge format and the combined ingredients.

This article will delve deeper into the science behind CircO2, analyze user experiences, and explore potential side effects and available research. We'll also discuss alternative ways to potentially boost nitric oxide levels and help you decide if CircO2 is the right choice for you.

CircO2: Pros and Cons

CircO2, a lozenge supplement promoting nitric oxide production, boasts a range of potential benefits. However, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.


  • Convenience: Lozenge format offers an easy and convenient way to take a supplement.

  • Potential Benefits: Claims to improve sleep, energy, blood pressure, memory, and overall well-being. Some users report positive experiences.

  • Natural Ingredients: Contains L-citrulline, beet root extract, hawthorn berry, and vitamins B12 and C, which may contribute to nitric oxide production.

  • Satisfaction Guarantee: Manufacturer offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee with a 90-day return window.


  • Limited Scientific Evidence: While ingredients may support nitric oxide production, research on CircO2's specific effectiveness is limited.

  • Proprietary Blend: Exact amounts and ratios of ingredients are not disclosed, making it difficult to assess their impact.

  • Potential Side Effects: Not all side effects are fully known, especially for long-term use or those with underlying health conditions. Consulting a doctor before use is crucial.

  • Cost: CircO2 can be expensive, especially when considering the lack of definitive evidence for its effectiveness.

What are the benefits of CircO2?

CircO2, a lozenge supplement designed to elevate nitric oxide production in your body, has taken the health market by storm. But before you jump on the bandwagon, let's delve into the potential benefits it offers and the science behind them.

CircO2 boasts a wide range of advantages, promising to revolutionize your well-being. Improved sleep, increased energy levels, sharper memory, and even a more youthful feeling are some of the claims. Let's dissect these promises:

  • Enhanced Sleep and Energy: CircO2 highlights its ability to improve blood flow through nitric oxide, which may lead to better sleep quality and increased daytime energy. However, the evidence remains inconclusive. While some studies suggest nitric oxide precursors like L-citrulline (found in CircO2) might improve sleep, more research is needed to confirm a direct link with the lozenge format.

  • Sharper Focus and Memory: The link between nitric oxide and cognitive function is intriguing. Some studies suggest it may improve blood flow to the brain, potentially enhancing memory and focus. However, CircO2's specific formula and effectiveness in this area lack strong scientific backing.

  • Overall Well-being and Youthful Feel: CircO2 claims to improve blood pressure and overall health through its effects on nitric oxide. Nitric oxide does play a role in vascular health, but translating that to a "youthful feel" is more of a marketing claim than a scientific fact.

It's important to remember that testimonials on the CircO2 website, while positive, are anecdotal and not a substitute for scientific evidence. Individual results may vary, and the placebo effect can also play a role.

Beyond the Hype: Exploring the Science

The ingredients in CircO2, such as L-citrulline and beet root extract, have been studied for their potential to increase nitric oxide production. However, more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of the specific combination and dosage used in CircO2. Additionally, the lozenge format's impact on nitric oxide bioavailability (how much reaches the bloodstream) needs further investigation.

CircO2 offers a convenient way to potentially boost nitric oxide production, which may translate into some health benefits. However, strong scientific evidence directly supporting its wide range of claims is lacking.

Consulting your doctor before using CircO2 is crucial, especially if you have any health concerns or take medications. Consider alternative ways to increase nitric oxide, like dietary changes rich in fruits and vegetables containing nitrates. Remember, a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise can often achieve similar results without the uncertainty surrounding supplements.

Visit CircO2 official website Click Here

What are the ingredients in CircO2?

CircO2, a nitric oxide booster marketed as a lozenge for improved health, has sparked curiosity. But what exactly is in CircO2, and does the science support its claims? Let's delve into its ingredients and their potential impact on nitric oxide production.

The CircO2 Formula:

CircO2 boasts a blend of natural ingredients, but the exact amounts remain a mystery due to its proprietary formula. However, the website lists the following:

  • L-Citrulline: This amino acid converts to L-arginine in the body, a precursor to nitric oxide. Studies suggest L-citrulline supplementation may increase nitric oxide levels and improve blood flow.

  • Beet Root Extract: Rich in nitrates, which the body converts to nitric oxide. Beet root has been shown to enhance athletic performance and potentially lower blood pressure.

  • Hawthorn Berry: Traditionally used for heart health, hawthorn berry may improve blood flow, but research on its impact on nitric oxide is limited.

  • Vitamin B12: This vitamin plays a role in red blood cell production, which can indirectly affect circulation. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, a symptom CircO2 claims to address.

  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant with various health benefits, vitamin C may improve blood vessel function, potentially impacting nitric oxide.

Science Behind the Blend:

The ingredients in CircO2 have some scientific backing for their potential role in nitric oxide production and related benefits. However, key questions remain:

  • Dosage and Synergy: The undisclosed amounts of each ingredient make it difficult to assess their individual and combined effects.

  • Lozenge Format: While convenient, the lozenge format's impact on nitric oxide bioavailability (absorption into the bloodstream) needs further investigation.

  • Limited Research on CircO2: Scientific studies directly evaluating CircO2's effectiveness and the interaction of its ingredients are scarce.

Beyond the Ingredients: Alternatives and Considerations

While the ingredients in CircO2 hold promise, consider these alternatives:

  • Dietary Changes: Consuming fruits and vegetables rich in nitrates (like beets, spinach, and leafy greens) can naturally boost nitric oxide production.

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is a proven way to improve blood flow and overall well-being.

  • Consulting a Doctor: Discussing CircO2 and your health goals with your doctor is crucial, especially if you have any health concerns or take medications.

The individual ingredients in CircO2 have some scientific backing for their potential to increase nitric oxide, which may offer some health benefits. However, strong evidence directly supporting the effectiveness of CircO2's specific formula and its wide range of claims is currently lacking.

Ultimately, a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise can often achieve similar results without the uncertainty surrounding supplements. If you choose to try CircO2, consult your doctor first and proceed with caution. Remember, a focus on whole-body health approaches often yields the most sustainable benefits.

CircO2: Safety in Question - Exploring Potential Risks

CircO2 promises a wealth of health benefits, but is it safe? While the manufacturer claims it's safe for most people, a closer look reveals some potential concerns.

The biggest unknown lies in the undisclosed dosages of ingredients. Individual ingredients like L-citrulline are generally considered safe at recommended doses. However, without transparency, it's difficult to assess the safety of the combined formula in CircO2.

Additionally, potential side effects are not fully known, especially for long-term use or those with underlying health conditions. Consulting a doctor before using CircO2 is crucial, particularly if you have low blood pressure, take medications, or have any health concerns.

CircO2 offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee, but it's your health that matters most. Remember, natural doesn't always equal risk-free.

If you're considering CircO2, weigh the potential benefits against the unknowns. Discuss it with your doctor and explore alternative ways to enhance your well-being through proven methods like diet and exercise.

CircO2: When to Expect Results (and Why It's Uncertain)

CircO2 promises a range of benefits, but a crucial question remains: how long does it take to feel the effects? Unfortunately, the answer isn't straightforward, and there's a good reason for that.

The manufacturer suggests some users experience results within minutes, while others might take weeks. This wide timeframe highlights the lack of definitive evidence surrounding CircO2's effectiveness. Here's why:

  • Individual Variability: Even with established medications, people respond differently. Factors like overall health, genetics, and even diet can influence how long it takes to feel the effects of any supplement.

  • Limited Research: Strong scientific studies directly evaluating CircO2 and its specific formula are lacking. Without clear data, it's difficult to predict individual response times.

  • Lozenge Format: The lozenge format introduces another layer of uncertainty. The impact of dissolving the lozenge and its ingredients' absorption into the bloodstream needs further investigation.

The Importance of Realistic Expectations:

Given the lack of concrete evidence, it's best to approach CircO2 with realistic expectations. Don't expect immediate, dramatic changes. If you choose to try it, monitor your body for any positive or negative effects over a period of time.

Consulting a Doctor:

Discussing CircO2 and your health goals with your doctor is crucial. They can provide insights based on your individual health and potential interactions with medications you take.

Alternative Approaches:

Remember, there are established ways to potentially improve health and well-being. Diet rich in fruits and vegetables containing nitrates, regular exercise, and managing stress can all contribute to better blood flow and overall health.

How long it takes to feel the effects of CircO2 is uncertain. While some users report positive experiences, the science behind its effectiveness is still in its early stages. Consider exploring alternative methods with proven results alongside a healthy lifestyle for long-term well-being.

CircO2: Dosage and Usage - A Look at the Instructions

CircO2 offers a convenient lozenge format for nitric oxide support. But how much should you take, and how do you take it? Here's a breakdown of the manufacturer's recommendations and some additional considerations.

CircO2 Dosage:

  • Standard Dosage: The manufacturer recommends one lozenge a day.

  • First Week Boost: They suggest taking two lozenges a day for the first week.

Taking the Lozenge:

  • Dissolving or Chewing: You have the option of letting the lozenge dissolve completely in your mouth or chewing it after partial dissolving.

Important Considerations:

  • Undisclosed Amounts: The exact amount of each ingredient in a lozenge is not disclosed due to the proprietary formula. This makes it difficult to assess the true dosage you're consuming.

  • Individual Needs: One-size-fits-all approaches rarely work with supplements. Your individual needs and health may require adjustments to the recommended dosage. However, without consulting a doctor, it's best to stick to the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Long-Term Use: The long-term safety of CircO2 at any dosage is not fully established. Discuss long-term use with your doctor if you plan to use CircO2 for an extended period.

Consulting a Doctor:

Before taking CircO2, especially if you have any health concerns or take medications, it's crucial to consult your doctor. They can advise on the appropriate dosage, considering your individual health profile and potential interactions with other medications.

Alternative Approaches:

Remember, there are established ways to potentially increase nitric oxide production. Consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables containing nitrates, like beets and leafy greens, is a natural approach. Regular exercise is another proven method to improve blood flow and overall health.

CircO2 offers a one-size-fits-all dosage recommendation. While convenient, it may not be optimal for everyone. Always prioritize a discussion with your doctor before using CircO2 to determine the right approach for your individual needs.

CircO2 and Multivitamins: A Compatible Combination?

CircO2 boasts a blend of ingredients intended to boost nitric oxide production, but can you safely take it alongside your daily multivitamin? Here's what we know:

CircO2 Ingredients and Multivitamins:

CircO2 contains L-citrulline, beet root extract, hawthorn berry, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. The good news is that these vitamins (B12 and C) are water-soluble.

Water-Soluble Vitamins and Safety:

  • Absorption and Excess: Your body readily absorbs water-soluble vitamins like B12 and C. Any excess amounts are eliminated through urine.

  • Low Risk of Overdose: Taking CircO2 with a multivitamin containing these vitamins is unlikely to cause an overdose due to their water-soluble nature.

The Manufacturer's Perspective:

The CircO2 website itself assures users that taking a multivitamin with vitamin C and B12 alongside CircO2 is safe.

Important Considerations:

  • Undisclosed Dosages: While the vitamins in CircO2 likely pose no danger when combined with a multivitamin, the exact amounts in CircO2 are unknown due to the proprietary formula.

  • Consulting Your Doctor: It's always best to discuss taking CircO2 with your doctor, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or take medications. They can assess potential interactions and advise on the suitability of combining CircO2 with your specific multivitamin.

Alternative Approaches:

Consider incorporating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables containing nitrates (like beets and leafy greens) to naturally boost nitric oxide production. This approach can complement your multivitamin and provide a broader range of nutrients.

Taking CircO2 with a multivitamin containing vitamin C and B12 is likely safe due to their water-soluble nature. However, consult your doctor for personalized advice considering your health history, medications, and the specific ingredients in your multivitamin.

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CircO2 and Oral Hygiene: Friend or Foe?

CircO2 claims its lozenge format bypasses a potential hurdle: the nitric oxide reduction some mouthwashes and toothpastes might cause. But is this a valid concern, and can you use CircO2 alongside your regular oral hygiene routine?

The manufacturer suggests CircO2's formula allows the lozenge to deliver its nitric oxide boosting ingredients before encountering the mouthwash or toothpaste. While some studies suggest certain oral hygiene products might reduce nitric oxide levels, the impact on overall nitric oxide production is unclear.

Regardless, the convenience of the lozenge format and the potential benefit of bypassing this theoretical hurdle are selling points for CircO2.

However, remember the core message: strong scientific evidence directly supporting CircO2's effectiveness is still lacking.

The best course of action? Maintain good oral hygiene habits and discuss CircO2 with your doctor. They can give personalized advice based on your health and address any potential interactions with your specific oral hygiene products.

CircO2: A Jittery-Free Boost? Ditching Caffeine for Nitric Oxide

If you're looking for an energy boost without the jitters associated with caffeine, CircO2 positions itself as a potential answer. It claims to enhance energy levels by improving blood flow through nitric oxide production, not by stimulating the nervous system like caffeine.

CircO2 contains L-citrulline, beet root extract, and other ingredients that may promote nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide helps blood vessels relax and dilate, potentially leading to improved blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout the body, which can translate to increased energy.

The key difference here is the mechanism of action. Caffeine directly stimulates the central nervous system, causing the jitters and potential anxiety some people experience. CircO2, on the other hand, aims for a more indirect approach by focusing on nitric oxide production and blood flow.

However, it's important to remember that the scientific evidence directly supporting CircO2's effectiveness for energy enhancement is still limited. While some users report positive experiences, more research is needed.

So, if you're looking for a caffeine-free energy boost, CircO2 might be worth considering, but discuss it with your doctor first. They can advise you on its suitability and potential interactions with any medications you take.

CircO2 Cost and Money Back Guarantee

CircO2 is available for purchase online in three different quantities, with a price break for buying more bottles at once. Here's a breakdown of the cost:

  • 1 Bottle: $49.95 each

  • 3 Bottles: $44.95 each (total $134.85)

  • 6 Bottles: $41.50 each (total $249.00)

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Savings: The website offers a discount for buying more bottles. You can save $15.00 by purchasing 3 bottles or $114.15 by purchasing 6 bottles.

Money Back Guarantee: CircO2 offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you're not happy with the product, you can return unused lozenges (or the empty box) within 90 days for a full refund, excluding return shipping costs.

Important Note:

  • Be sure to factor in return shipping costs when considering the money-back guarantee.

  • This information is based on what's currently advertised on the CircO2 website. Prices and guarantee terms may change, so it's always best to check the official website for the latest details.

Are there any side effects associated with CircO2?


CircO2 touts a range of benefits, but what about potential downsides? While the manufacturer claims it's safe for most people, a closer look reveals some uncertainties.

The Unknown Factor: Dosage and Ingredients: The exact amounts of each ingredient in CircO2 remain a mystery due to its proprietary formula. This makes it difficult to predict potential side effects at the recommended dosage.

Limited Research on CircO2: Strong scientific studies directly evaluating CircO2 and its specific formula are lacking. Without a clear understanding of its effects, potential side effects are not fully known, especially for long-term use.

General Considerations: Some ingredients in CircO2, like L-citrulline, are generally considered safe at recommended doses. However, potential side effects like stomach upset or diarrhea can occur in some individuals.

Consulting Your Doctor is Crucial: Before using CircO2, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or take medications, it's essential to discuss it with your doctor. They can assess potential interactions and advise on the suitability of CircO2 for you.

Natural doesn't always equal risk-free. Weigh the potential benefits of CircO2 against the unknowns and prioritize a conversation with your doctor for personalized advice.

The Science Behind CircO2: Fact or Fiction?

CircO2 promises a plethora of health benefits, but is there solid science to back it up? The answer, unfortunately, is a bit murky.

While the individual ingredients in CircO2, like L-citrulline and beet root extract, have been studied for their potential to increase nitric oxide production, the evidence for CircO2 itself is limited.

Here's why the science behind CircO2 remains uncertain:

  • Limited Research: Strong scientific studies directly evaluating CircO2's effectiveness and the interaction of its ingredients are scarce.

  • Dosage and Transparency: The undisclosed dosages of each ingredient make it difficult to assess their true impact and potential risks.

  • Lozenge Format: The lozenge format introduces another layer of uncertainty. More research is needed to understand how effectively the ingredients dissolve and enter the bloodstream.

What Does This Mean for You?

While some users report positive experiences with CircO2, the lack of robust scientific evidence makes it difficult to definitively say it works. If you're considering CircO2, prioritize a discussion with your doctor. They can help you weigh the potential benefits against the unknowns and explore alternative ways to improve your health, like diet and exercise.

Remember: Science takes time, and the claims surrounding CircO2 may not be fully supported by current research.

Where can I buy CircO2?

 CircO2 isn't available in stores and can only be purchased from the manufacturer's website. While this allows for quality control, it limits easy access and the ability to compare prices with other retailers.

Are there any alternatives to CircO2?

CircO2 isn't the only option for potentially boosting nitric oxide production. Here are some alternatives to consider:

  • Dietary Choices: Consuming fruits and vegetables rich in nitrates, like beets, leafy greens, and celery, is a natural way to increase nitric oxide levels. This approach provides additional vitamins and minerals alongside potential nitric oxide benefits.

  • Supplements: Other nitric oxide booster supplements exist in various forms like capsules or powders. These may offer more transparency in terms of ingredient dosages compared to CircO2's proprietary blend. However, research individual supplements thoroughly and consult your doctor before starting any new one.

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity is a scientifically proven way to improve blood flow and overall well-being. Exercise can also contribute to healthy blood pressure levels, potentially addressing some of the concerns CircO2 aims to target.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Managing stress, getting enough sleep, and avoiding smoking are all key factors in promoting good blood flow and overall health. These lifestyle adjustments can naturally contribute to a sense of well-being, potentially mirroring some of the benefits CircO2 claims to offer.

Before trying any new supplement, discuss it with your doctor. They can help you choose a safe and appropriate option based on your individual health needs and medications you take.

By exploring these alternatives, you can find ways to potentially enhance nitric oxide production and support your health in a more established and well-rounded manner.

 Check The Availability Of CircO2 On Its Official Website

Is CircO2 Scam or Legit?

CircO2 has taken the health world by storm, promising a range of benefits through nitric oxide production. But is it a legitimate solution or simply hype? Here's a closer look:


  • Convenient Lozenge Format: Easy to take and integrate into your routine.

  • Potential Benefits: Claims to improve sleep, energy, blood pressure, and cognitive function (limited evidence for all).

  • Natural Ingredients: Contains L-citrulline, beet root extract, and vitamins potentially linked to nitric oxide production.

  • Satisfaction Guarantee: Manufacturer offers a money-back return policy.


  • Limited Scientific Evidence: Strong research directly supporting CircO2's effectiveness is lacking.

  • Proprietary Blend: Exact ingredient dosages are unknown, making it difficult to assess true impact and potential side effects.

  • Lozenge Format Uncertainty: More research is needed on how effectively ingredients are absorbed through the lozenge format.

  • Cost: Can be expensive considering the lack of definitive evidence for its claims.

CircO2 might hold some potential for boosting nitric oxide, but strong scientific evidence is missing. The lozenge format and undisclosed dosages add to the uncertainty.

Before considering CircO2, prioritize a conversation with your doctor. Explore alternative, evidence-based approaches like dietary changes and exercise for improved well-being.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle often yields better results than relying solely on supplements with limited research.

Is CircO2 Safe For Everyone?

CircO2 promises a world of health benefits, but is it safe for everyone? While the manufacturer claims it's generally safe, a closer look reveals some reasons for caution.

The Unknown Factor: Dosage and Ingredients: The exact amount of each ingredient in CircO2 remains a mystery due to its proprietary formula. This makes it difficult to predict potential side effects for people with varying sensitivities.

Underlying Health Conditions: CircO2 may interact with certain medications or exacerbate existing health issues. For example, those with low blood pressure should be cautious as CircO2 may further lower it.

Limited Research on Long-Term Use: The safety of CircO2 for long-term use hasn't been thoroughly studied. It's crucial to consult your doctor before using CircO2, especially if you plan to take it for an extended period.

Consulting Your Doctor is Paramount: Before using CircO2, discuss it with your doctor. They can assess potential interactions with medications and consider your individual health to determine if CircO2 is safe for you.

Remember: Not everything natural is risk-free. Weigh the potential benefits of CircO2 against the unknowns and prioritize a conversation with your doctor for personalized advice.

CircO2: A Final Look - Balancing Hype and Reality

CircO2 has captured attention with its promise of boosting nitric oxide for a range of health benefits. But before diving in, it's crucial to weigh the hype against the science.

Limited Evidence: While the individual ingredients in CircO2 have some scientific backing for nitric oxide production, strong research directly supporting CircO2's effectiveness is lacking.

Uncertainties Remain: The undisclosed dosages and lozenge format introduce layers of uncertainty regarding actual impact and potential side effects.

Alternatives Exist: Exploring dietary changes rich in nitrates, regular exercise, and managing stress can offer established approaches to improve blood flow and overall well-being.

Consult Your Doctor: Before considering CircO2, prioritize a conversation with your doctor. They can assess potential interactions with medications and your individual health needs, guiding you towards safe and effective options.

Remember: Don't be swayed by solely by marketing claims. Focus on evidence-based approaches alongside a healthy lifestyle for lasting results. CircO2 may hold some promise, but for now, the science remains inconclusive.

CircO2 FAQs

What is CircO2?

CircO2 is a lozenge supplement designed to boost nitric oxide production in your body. Nitric oxide is a molecule involved in various functions, including blood flow, circulation, and potentially even cognitive function. CircO2 claims to improve sleep, energy, blood pressure, memory, and overall well-being through increased nitric oxide.

What are the ingredients in CircO2?

CircO2 contains a blend of natural ingredients, but the exact amounts are unknown due to a proprietary formula. The listed ingredients include:

  • L-citrulline

  • Beet root extract

  • Hawthorn berry

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin C

Does CircO2 work?

The science behind CircO2's effectiveness is still limited. While the individual ingredients have some scientific backing for their potential role in nitric oxide production, strong research directly evaluating CircO2 itself is lacking. Additionally, the undisclosed dosages and lozenge format introduce uncertainties about its true impact.

Is CircO2 safe?

CircO2 claims to be safe for most people. However, there are some unknowns due to the undisclosed ingredient amounts and lack of long-term safety studies. It's crucial to consult your doctor before using CircO2, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or take medications.

Are there any side effects associated with CircO2?

The potential side effects of CircO2 are not fully known, especially for long-term use. Some ingredients might cause mild side effects like stomach upset or diarrhea in some individuals. Consulting your doctor before use is crucial to assess potential risks.

How much does CircO2 cost?

CircO2 comes in various quantities, with a price break for buying more bottles. It can range from around $42 per bottle to $50 per bottle, depending on the quantity purchased. The website offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee with a 90-day return window (excluding return shipping costs).

Can I buy CircO2 in stores?

No, CircO2 is only available for purchase online through the manufacturer's website.

Are there any alternatives to CircO2?

Yes, there are alternative ways to potentially boost nitric oxide production. These include:

  • Consuming a diet rich in nitrates (fruits and vegetables like beets, leafy greens, and celery)

  • Regular exercise

  • Managing stress

  • Getting enough sleep

Should I talk to my doctor before taking CircO2?

Absolutely. Discussing CircO2 with your doctor is crucial before using it. They can assess potential interactions with medications and your individual health to determine if CircO2 is safe and appropriate for you.

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