amxd failure?

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steven price

Sep 22, 2023, 7:11:27 PM9/22/23
to Magenta Discuss
Hi, I've just discovered magenta studio and I'd really like to try it out.

I've downloaded the amxd file but when i try to drag it into ableton (11.3.11 i believe ) it just crashes ableton.

I'm using a mac mini with a M1 chip.

What am i doing wrong?


Cassie Tarakajian

Sep 26, 2023, 12:17:26 PM9/26/23
to steven price, Magenta Discuss
Hi Steve,

Let's try to figure out what's going on! I'm unfortunately not able to reproduce a crash using Live 11 on an M1. Some questions I have for you:

1. Are you using the Max that is bundled with Ableton Live or pointing to a separate installation? What version of Max are you using?
2. If you have Max installed separately, are you able to open the .amxd file in Max?
3. Are you a software developer/web developer and have local servers running on your computer?
4. Are you able to use other Max for Live devices? Maybe you could try resetting Max for Live and see if that does anything?


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