The Divine Prayer Reviews: Does It Really Work?

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Sadia Sabana

6:19 AM (2 hours ago) 6:19 AM
The Divine Prayer Review:

Do you ever feel like you're just barely keeping your head above water? No matter how hard you work, abundance and success seem just out of reach. Manifesting the life you truly want feels impossible, even with vision boards, affirmations, scripting, and meditation. Why?


Because there are blocks within us that impair our connection to the divine source of creativity and inspiration. When our channel is clogged, we struggle in all areas of life. Financial hardship, health problems, stale relationships, lack of motivation and loss of purpose plague us.

What if you could remove those blocks and retune your soul to receive divine gifts and guidance again? Would you be interested?

Recently, I discovered an unusual but powerful audio prayer system that does exactly that. Called The Divine Prayer, this short 1-minute ritual claims to clear your pineal gland, realign your soul, and restore your connection to the divine for accelerated manifestation.

Intrigued and also skeptical, I decided to research it fully and try it out myself before sharing my thoughts with you here. In this in-depth blog post, I’ll cover what’s included, how it works, controversies around it, whether it’s right for you or not. My hope is that you’ll find this information helpful in deciding if incorporating The Divine Prayer into your spiritual practice could be worthwhile.


What is The Divine Prayer?
The Divine Prayer Review - What is it

The Divine Prayer is a short 1-minute prayer/ritual created from an ancient manuscript discovered by Father Benjamin in an old church in Jerusalem. It's said this prayer was used by King Baldwin IV and other early Christian kings to manifest victories, abundance, and prosperity despite great adversity.

The prayer takes only 1-minute to perform and is ideally done for 7 days straight to start noticing results. The longer you do the ritual, the more profound the results. The original manuscript recommends performing The Divine Prayer daily for 67 days to cement it as a habit that transforms your life.

Unlike traditional prayers that ask God for blessings and abundance, The Divine Prayer focuses on cleansing your pineal gland, opening your creativity, and restoring your soul's connection to receive God's gifts.

The Divine Prayer package includes:

    The 1-minute audio prayer ritual
    A manuscript explaining the origins and instructions
    The God's Chant audio program to boost creativity
    The Holy Body audio program for physical transformation

By cleansing your pineal gland and realigning your soul, The Divine Prayer seeks to remove blocks in receiving abundance and blessings that are your birthright.
The Origins of The Divine Prayer
The Divine Prayer Review - The Origins

The Divine Prayer was created from a manuscript discovered in an old church in Jerusalem by Father Benjamin. During an interview, he shared the prayer's origins:

"In one of the old cellars here, we discovered one of King Baldwin IV's manuscripts detailing a 1-minute prayer. This prayer would bless your soul, no matter the bad karma infesting it. In 7 days, it would attract gifts granted by God Himself."

Father Benjamin and colleagues tested the prayer on members of their community. To their surprise, it seemed to bring positive coincidences and luck.

For example, they gave the prayer to a struggling orphanage owner who needed funding. Shortly after, he received an anonymous $20,000 donation from a wealthy former orphan. The timing was eerie. These positive outcomes made Father Benjamin believe they uncovered something special.

The prayer is said to have been used by King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem. Despite having leprosy, Baldwin created one of the greatest Christian empires against all odds. Father Benjamin believes the Divine Prayer granted him this success.

Unfortunately, The Vatican demanded the prayer be kept secret when Father Benjamin shared it with them. This sparked his mission to share the prayer with the world discreetly.

While the story lacks robust historical evidence, it adds an intriguing backstory to The Divine Prayer's origins. There are those who fully believe it and others who remain skeptical—a debate we'll return to later.

How Does The Divine Prayer Work?

According to the materials, The Divine Prayer works by:

    Cleansing your pineal gland - This tiny gland is considered the "seat of the soul." Clearing it removes toxins to reopen your spiritual gifts.
    Realigning your soul - Your soul has been knocked off its proper alignment due to toxins and programming. The prayer realigns it to receive Divine guidance and inspiration.
    Removing blocks - Toxins have blocked you from your gifts and abundance. The prayer ritual cleanses these blocks.
    Restoring your connection to God - By realigning your soul and clearing blocks, your connection to the Divine is restored. This allows you to receive inspiration, intuitive insights, and abundance.

Once your creative gifts and connection with Divinity are restored, abundance and desirable manifestations can flow freely into all areas of life. The Divine Prayer seeks to accelerate and enhance results promised by the law of attraction and other manifestation methods.
The Divine Prayer Ritual Explained

The Divine Prayer process is simple and only takes 1-minute per day:

    Find a quiet space to perform the prayer undisturbed.
    Press play on the audio of The Divine Prayer recording. Close your eyes and listen intently.
    Let the audio guide you through invoking God and delivering the prayer. It takes just over 1-minute.
    Upon completion, take a moment to be still and notice any sensations or feelings.
    Perform this daily ritual for at least 7 days to start experiencing transformational results.
    For best results, continue for the recommended 67 days to fully integrate it into your spirituality.

The prayer audio includes specific vibrational frequencies and music to help relax you into a receptive, trance-like state. This allows your pineal gland and soul realignment to occur at deeper levels.

The audio guides you to invoke God and recite the prayer verbally along with it. You can also listen passively if preferred. Either way, realignment is said to happen energetically.

There is no elaborate ritual or complicated protocol required. Simply press play each day with a receptive attitude for spiritual growth. Over time, changes will unfold.
Cleansing The Pineal Gland

The Divine Prayer Review - Cleansing The Pineal Gland

A core premise of The Divine Prayer is it cleanses your pineal gland located deep in your brain. Why is this important?

The pineal gland is considered the "seat of the soul" in many spiritual traditions. Enlightened masters and mediums were known for having highly activated pineal glands, indicating strong spiritual connection.

However, the pineal gland can become blocked and calcified by toxins in our diets and environments. Heavy metals, fluoride, stress, electromagnetic radiation, and blue light block the pineal gland over time.

This causes it to shrink and harden. When the pineal is blocked, your connection with spiritual realms is impaired. Cleansing it removes those blocks to restore functions like:

    Imagination, creativity, intuition
    Connection with your Higher Self
    Access to the Akashic Records
    Receiving Divine inspiration
    Ability to self-reflect
    Manifest desirable realities

By ritually cleansing your pineal gland each day, The Divine Prayer seeks to reopen these soul gifts. This shifts you from living a rigid existence into one flowing with spiritual attunement.

Restoring Your Connection To God

The Divine Prayer's higher purpose is to restore your soul's connection with God/Universe/All-That-Is. This allows you to receive inspiration, guidance, and move into alignment with your highest potentials.

We all have a direct connection to God/Source as Divine creations. However, our modern lifestyles often knock the soul out of alignment for receiving this Divine guidance.

Dense foods, toxins, EMFs, stress, programming, trauma—all push the soul alignment off track over time. We fall out of harmony with our true nature and inner calling.

The Divine Prayer tunes you back into your soul's proper alignment with the Divine like a musical instrument. This opens you back up to receive:

    Answers to prayers
    Inspired ideas
    Divine intuition
    Life purpose insights
    Healing energy
    Greater life flow
    Confidence and peace

Realigning with your soul's origination brings you into present moment harmony with existence again. Problems no longer seem so problematic. Stress and uncertainty dissolve away.

By cleansing your channel and removing inner noise, your connection with God is restored. You're able to receive the abundance waiting for you in all aspects of life.
Manifesting With The Divine Prayer

One of The Divine Prayer's promised benefits is accelerated manifestation of your desires—whether financial abundance, ideal relationships, better health, success, or creative accomplishments.

It takes manifestation a step further than traditional techniques:

Beyond Law of Attraction: The Divine Prayer works whether or not you believe in the Law of Attraction. It tunes you to receive due to your realigned connection with the Divine.

Beyond Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations can reprogram your subconscious. But The Divine Prayer clears deeper blocks for receiving abundance.

Beyond Meditation: Meditation calms your mind which can help manifest. Yet The Divine Prayer aligns your soul to attract Divine outcomes beyond your own effort.

Beyond "Doing": Many try to manifest through hard work, smart strategy, and meticulous effort. Yet your manifestations are supported even when you "do less" aligned with soul truths.

The Divine Prayer helps you get out of your own way to welcome greater flow. Your job is then allowing abundance to come rather than forcing it. This approach transcends common manifesting traps.
The Vatican's Suppression

According to Father Benjamin, when he notified The Vatican about The Divine Prayer discovery, they demanded it be suppressed and reserved only for church elite. They considered it too powerful for common people to access.

This controversial backstory adds intrigue for some. But understandably, it also amplifies skepticism from those critical of organized religion.

On one hand, the suppression claim plays into fears of shadowy religious conspiracies hoarding occult knowledge. Believers consider The Divine Prayer recovery an act of divine intervention to liberate this knowledge.

Skeptics view it as a fabricated sales tactic preying on anti-establishment mistrust and religious superstitions. They consider the Vatican suppression storyline a brilliant marketing ploy.

This debate will likely never be fully resolved. Ultimately, the results people experience from practicing The Divine Prayer remain the priority. Yet the heated opinions illustrate just how controversial this manifestation method is.
Spreading The Divine Prayer

Due to the Vatican's alleged suppression, Father Benjamin entrusted the prayer to the creator of the program to share discreetly online. Believing The Divine Prayer is meant for anyone seeking divine connection, he risked backlash to spread this gift.

The prayer is now delivered as The Divine Prayer digital program available at This allows prompt, discreet access rather than requiring physical shipment. Download details are emailed upon purchase.

To avoid legal trouble and suppression by powerful institutions, the creator had to develop a unique strategy:

    Move development and operations to Russia to avoid interference
    Maintain privacy using an alias and hiring discreet researchers
    Use encrypted online tools and anonymity software
    Release through Clickbank for secure global delivery
    Minimize costs to focus purely on spreading it versus profit
    Market quietly to believers initially under the radar

This allowed The Divine Prayer to be delivered globally while avoiding attention from suppressors. Despite controversies around the backstory, the creator insists spiritual liberation remains his true motivation.

The God's Chant Audio

The Divine Prayer package includes an audio called God's Chant said to unlock your creative gifts. It delivers special sound frequencies known to stimulate the hippocampus region of your brain.

The hippocampus is associated with memory, spatial orientation, and creativity. Research confirms it's highly neuroplastic—meaning it can grow stronger through auditory stimulation.

God's Chant contains precisely tuned frequency layers designed to exercise and expand your hippocampus. Just as muscles grow stronger through training, your hippocampus expands through audio immersion.

Listening to God's Chant daily "tunes your instrument" for receiving creative inspiration from spiritual sources. Users report benefits such as:

    Greater musical and artistic abilities
    Enhanced problem solving skills
    New business and marketing ideas
    Fresh creative insights
    Faster learning abilities
    Heightened imagination

For creators, entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators, the God's Chant delivers immersive creative retraining for your mind. The frequencies allegedly awaken your muse.
The Holy Body Program

Aside from creative gifts, The Divine Prayer also emphasizes physical healing and transformation. For this purpose, the Holy Body audio program is included.

The Holy Body uses prayer technology to realign your cells, organs, and energy fields into their Divine blueprint. This is said to dissolve energetic blocks contributing to:

    Excess weight
    Chronic fatigue
    Autoimmune disorders
    Skin conditions
    Digestive issues

The Holy Body audio uses sound frequencies and energized prayers to return your physical form to its natural state of wellbeing. Your body's natural healing ability is amplified by aligning to Divine perfection.

Those using The Holy Body daily report:

    Easy weight loss without dieting
    Balanced energy levels
    Reduced illness and pain
    Fading of troubling symptoms
    Recovery from addictions
    Healthier measures at doctor's visits
    More restful sleep
    Enhanced athletic performance
    Greater flexibility and reduced soreness

The Holy Body optimizes your physical vessel to receive Divine flow. Aligning your bodily temple allows wellbeing and vitality to manifest with greater ease.
Pricing and Availability

The Divine Prayer program is available for purchase and download only at Due to the controversial nature, it's not permitted on major platforms like Amazon or Apple.

After some negotiation, the website agreed to offer special pricing for our readers:

    Original Price: $97
    Discounted Price: $67

Considering the value of manifesting your desires, realigning your soul, and connecting to the Divine, $67 is an incredible bargain.


Each purchase also includes:

    The God's Chant audio program for creativity
    The Holy Body audio program for physical transformation
    Lifetime access to the materials digitally
    All future updates added free
    100% 90-day money back guarantee

Supplies are limited given the discreet promotion. Lock in discounted access while still available.
Is The Divine Prayer Right For You?

Who can benefit most from The Divine Prayer?

    Spiritual seekers desiring a closer connection with God/Universe/Source.
    Anyone feeling spiritually blocked or stuck. The Divine Prayer removes these obstructions.
    Those frustrated with other manifestation methods. This provides a fresh approach.
    Creative types who want to amplify their gifts and talents.
    Healers and lightworkers who want a simple way to grow their abilities.
    Entrepreneurs who want help receiving Divine inspiration for new inventions, ideas, and business insights.
    Anyone seeking life purpose clarity and confirmation. The Divine Prayer quiets mental chatter so you can receive inner truth and calling.
    Those committed to lifelong betterment and transformation. The Divine Prayer supports personal evolution through God connection.

The Divine Prayer is an excellent daily spiritual practice. You'll find it especially powerful if the usual mind-centric methods have not worked for you thus far.
Skepticism and Controversy

A unique manifestation method tied to organized religion and making unproven scientific claims warrants healthy skepticism. Let's examine some controversies:

    The Vatican Suppression - The Vatican demanding The Divine Prayer be kept secret seems far-fetched. But believers argue we can't know what happens behind Vatican walls. The Catholic church does have a long history of concealing knowledge. Whether they suppressed this prayer remains speculation either way.
    Scientific Validity - While studies show meditation benefits the brain, more research is needed to confirm The Divine Prayer physically enhances pineal gland health and soul realignment as claimed. The explanations for how it works contain pseudoscience that can't be taken as absolute fact.
    Father Benjamin's Story - The tale of discovering a secret manuscript sounds mythical. Some believe it wholeheartedly while skeptics see it as a shrewd origin story to market The Divine Prayer. Benjamin being a real priest or fictional character hasn't been conclusively verified.
    Testimonials - Written and video testimonials can easily be staged. While inspiring, approach them critically rather than assuming outright authenticity.
    True Motives - Despite claiming otherwise, money is likely a motivator given the paid program. But every business needs income to operate. Focus more on people's results versus doubting motives.

Approach The Divine Prayer with an open yet discerning mindset. Evaluate your own experiences over dogmatic skepticism. With practice, you can gauge for yourself whether it delivers valuable benefits.

Comparisons To Other Manifestation Methods

How does The Divine Prayer stack up against other popular manifestation approaches?

Vs. Law of Attraction - The Divine Prayer requires less forceful "believing and achieving." Your job is opening to receive from God versus exerting effort to magnetize outcomes you desire.

Vs. Affirmations - Repeating positive phrases can reprogram your subconscious over time. But The Divine Prayer works directly on your deeper soul alignment for accelerated results.

Vs. Visualization - Creative visualization is powerful, but The Divine Prayer clears blocks preventing you from manifesting the visions and receiving intuitive guidance.

Vs. Scripting - Writing your desires as future memories programs the subconscious. But cleansing your pineal gland amplifies your ability to download Divine insights.

Vs. 55x5 Method - Writing desires 55 times daily trains your mind. Yet The Divine Prayer expands your capacity to allow fulfillment.

Vs. Meditation - Meditation empties your mind which can help manifest by raising your vibration. The Divine Prayer fills you with Divine light to lift your frequency.

Vs. Gratitude - Gratitude reminds you of abundance already present. The Divine Prayer aligns you with your natural state of plenty.

The Divine Prayer enriches manifestation work by reconnecting your soul to the Divine Creator. Think of it like powering up a device—the surge lifts your manifestations to new heights.
The Risks of Keeping The Divine Prayer Secret

During his interview, Father Benjamin emphasized the dangers of this knowledge disappearing again if suppressed further:

"I am risking my life sharing this knowledge...This will make you question everything you know about Christianity, science, and modern technology...My mission is to spread The Divine Prayer across the world before it is potentially lost forever."

Father Benjamin believes God wants this prayer available to anyone desiring deeper connection with the Divine. He considered keeping it secret a great sin against humanity and violation of free will.

Restricting access to something that can uplift peoples' lives seems unethical—even if the method remains unproven and unconventional. Exposing more people to the prayer creates opportunities for personal empirical evidence.

Unfortunately, organized religion has suppressed many uncomfortable truths in the past. From geocentrism to the Law of One, established dogma often dominates unfiltered access to spiritual knowledge.

The Divine Prayer challenges this monopoly on connection with the Divine. And perhaps that upsets powerful institutions most of all. But falling into fear-based conspiracy theories helps no one either.

Remaining open-minded yet discerning regarding The Divine Prayer seems the optimal approach. Test it sincerely and avoid extreme positions either promoting or condemning it.
The Divine Prayer Review - Conclusion

The Divine Prayer is a unique manifestation approach rooted in esoteric religious concepts. While some details remain in question, the basic act of invoking God through prayer to receive guidance is timeless.

Those experiencing positive impacts on their lives, minds, and spirits after committing to The Divine Prayer ritual will care less about dogmas surrounding it. The experiential personal evidence holds the most authority.

Alternative methods that cultivate stronger connection to God/Source address a crisis in modern spiritual culture. Our technological addictions and busyness leave little time for nurturing our relationship with the Divine.

Perhaps The Divine Prayer serves to reignite direct conversations with God/Universe to receive the blessings we desire. Approach it with cautious optimism rather than rigid skepticism.


If God/Source exists everywhere, no ritual has a monopoly on accessing the Divine Creator. Why not experiment and see where The Divine Prayer takes you? With an open mind and receptive heart, you might be surprised.

FAQs About The Divine Prayer

Q: Is The Divine Prayer a physical product shipped to my address?

A: No. Due to privacy reasons, it is delivered digitally by email and online access immediately after purchase. There is no physical shipping.

Q: How do I know The Divine Prayer is safe and legitimate?

A: It comes via Clickbank, a highly reputable digital marketplace. Clickbank offers a 90 day refund guarantee on all products in their marketplace to ensure consumer satisfaction.

Q: Can this really work for me if I'm not particularly religious?

A: The Divine Prayer focuses on spiritual connection rather than doctrine. An openness and desire to connect is more important than rigid beliefs.

Q: What results can I realistically expect in the first week?

A: Most report a sense of lighter energy, more inspiration, decreased mind chatter, better sleep, reduced stress, and synchronicities within the first week. But experiences vary.

Q: Is there a money back guarantee if I change my mind?

A: Yes. Clickbank offers a 90 day refund window on any purchase. If unsatisfied for any reason, you can request a no questions asked refund easily.

Q: How do I know this isn't just a scam or false marketing?

A: Approach it with healthy skepticism, but the Clickbank backing and 90 day refund policy ensure you're protected as a consumer in case it doesn't resonate. Focus on your intuitive sense.

Q: Is The Divine Prayer safe if I have a health condition or take medication?

A: It is an audio prayer that promotes natural relaxation. But check with your doctor before incorporating new spiritual practices if you have underlying medical issues.

Q: What makes this prayer so special compared to regular prayer?

A: It's optimized with specific sound frequencies to stimulate pineal gland cleansing and realign your soul more quickly versus standard prayer alone.

Q: Can I practice multiple spiritual/manifestation methods along with this?

A: Yes, absolutely. The Divine Prayer can amplify other manifestation techniques by removing blocks at deeper soul levels. It pairs well with many approaches.

Q: How soon can I expect BIG results like winning lotteries or receiving huge unexpected windfalls?

A: Dramatic manifestations take longer to crystallize based on your unique situation. Be patient, yet alert for signs of movements in your desires. Focus more on feeling abundant versus chasing "big lotto wins."


Affiliate Disclosure: We thoroughly research each product before recommending it. We may earn small commissions from qualifying purchases via some links. These earnings help support our team's efforts to provide useful information.
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