Pitchdecks for Gaming-, Fintech-, Health-Related app development

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John .E Roberts Roberts

Jun 29, 2020, 3:15:12 AM6/29/20
to TensorFlow Hub
Hello Everyone,

Can anyone offer me pitchdeck creation support for Gaming, Fintech and Health-related app developments? I am currently looking for a team of app developers for long term job creation in the App business to creating popular gaming apps and other kinds of apps. I have a network of funders who are asking me for a pitchdeck. If you can help, please contact me at johner...@gmail.com.

Thanks in advance

John E. Roberts

Sudeep Reddy Yerasi

Jan 2, 2024, 1:44:19 AMJan 2
to TensorFlow Hub, johner...@gmail.com

  1. samples are used to decide when to stop training to avoid overfitting.  I want answer

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