[Announcement] tensorflow-hub v0.10 has been released

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Willi Gierke

Nov 5, 2020, 5:39:18 AM11/5/20
to h...@tensorflow.org
Dear Tensorflow Hub users,

We’re excited to announce the release of tensorflow-hub v0.10. It is already pre-installed on Colab and includes the following changes:

  • Require Python 3.5+ and TF1.15+.

  • Add ModelLoadFormat setting to switch between compressed and uncompressed model loading.

  • Support for RaggedTensor inputs/outputs is backported from TF2 SavedModels to the deprecated hub.Module class. (Use of tf.compat.v1.ragged.placeholder() in a module_fn is broken for TF2.3 and requires TF2.2 or TF2.4+).

  • Bug fixes.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Tensorflow Hub Team

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