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[Introduction] Jay Gala - Excited to be here

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Jay Gala

Jan 11, 2023, 10:00:55 AM1/11/23
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Hello everyone, 

My name is Jay Gala, and I am a pre-final year CSE and Mgmt. student from NMIMS Mumbai. I recently earned the TensorFlow Developer Certification and that made me very interested in contributing to its development too. I have experience with Python, C++, Git, Flask, MongoDB, SQL, and JavaScript and I am excited to put them to use in this community. I hope to learn more about the project, and I am willing to help in any way I can. I am also interested in participating in GSoC 2023 (if TensorFlow is participating).

PS: Currently going through the contributing guidelines. Hoping to make a contribution soon!

Thank you, 
Jay Gala
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