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Want to participate in GSoC 2023 under your organization

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Yimjune Lau

Feb 15, 2023, 9:07:59 AM2/15/23
to TensorFlow Developers
Hello, TensorFlow team my name is Liew Yimjune, I am a graduate student at a university in DaLian, China.

I want to participate in GSoC 2023 under your organization. As I am interested in ML and Deep learning I would like to contribute to your organization's projects. I have knowledge of Git and GitHub. I am familiar with using C,C++ , and Python programming languages and its algorithm. Meantime, I am familiar with developing and debugging on Liunx, Ubuntu.

So can you suggest to me some good projects of your organization that are good enough for beginners to contribute to or those projects that match my skill set? Also please provide me with some mentors so that under their guidance I can work up to my best.

Thanks, TensorFlow team.

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