SIG Build meeting this Tuesday, Aug 2, at 2pm Pacific

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Austin Anderson

Aug 1, 2022, 6:28:27 PM8/1/22
to SIG Build
Hey all,

Our next meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 2, at 2pm Pacific time. All the details are here:

Please feel free to suggest your own agenda items.


Austin Anderson

Aug 2, 2022, 7:43:14 PM8/2/22
to SIG Build

Thanks for attending, everyone. Here’s a brief summary of this month’s topics:

  • The TF team is converting the official Python package builds & CI to use clang instead of gcc, for parity with Google’s internal builds. This will cause toil for community build maintainers who continue to use gcc; we will raise this to TF leads and see what they say.
  • TensorFlow’s tools/ci_build directory is difficult to maintain. We discussed options for handling this, including a nuclear one. No explicit decision made.
  • XLA, MLIR and LLVM integrations continue to frustrate developers with lengthy TensorFlow build times, and more requests were made for ways to alleviate this.
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