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If the official 2.10 wheel, or the Linaro wheels, don’t meet your needs, and you need a full build from sources then there are scripts for building TF in a docker image here - https://github.com/ARM-software/Tool-Solutions/tree/main/docker/tensorflow-aarch64
You can recycle the bash scripts (https://github.com/ARM-software/Tool-Solutions/tree/main/docker/tensorflow-aarch64/scripts) to build TF and dependencies outside of Docker with a bit of tweaking.
The tip of the main branch there will build TF 2.10, but moving back to an earlier tag will get you a TF2.6 build – I think https://github.com/ARM-software/Tool-Solutions/tree/tensorflow-pytorch-aarch64--r21.10/docker/tensorflow-aarch64 will do it. Note these builds include additional patches which you might want to skip.