TensorFlow dropping Python version 3.7 on Dec 13

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Austin Anderson

Dec 6, 2022, 5:34:09 PM12/6/22
to TensorFlow Announcements
Hi all,

TF DevInfra is turning off TensorFlow's Python 3.7 continuous testing for future releases due to its upcoming EOL. This is a routine cleanup of an old version of Python, just like when 3.6 support was removed. Python 3.7 is succeeded by 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. Python 3.9 is still our baseline for our Kokoro presubmits. You will need to update your own builds if you test against TensorFlow Python 3.7.

We're planning to stop publishing tf-nightly packages for Python 3.7 on December 13, 2022. The first TensorFlow release without Python 3.7 support will be TensorFlow 2.12, to be released in Q1 2023. We are not releasing any more patch releases for Python 3.7.

TF DevInfra
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