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About Maintainership

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Wansoo Kim

Jul 20, 2020, 4:04:20 AM7/20/20
to SIG Addons
Hello, SIG-Addons!

First of all, thank you for making such a wonderful project. I am a developer who has just begun to contribute to addons. The reason why I sent this email is because I wonder how to become a Maintiner. Addons RFC states that Write Permission is granted after the Substantial Contribution. Does this Substantial Contribute mean implementing new algorithms or migrating contrib?

Thank You!

Sean Morgan

Jul 20, 2020, 2:05:37 PM7/20/20
to Wansoo Kim, SIG Addons
Hi Wansoo,

Happy to have you in the SIG! 

Substantial contributions just means the maintainers have deemed you to have a good understanding of the repo and have contributed for a significant amount of time (~month+). Those contributions can be in the form of new addons, documentation improvements, testing improvements, etc. 


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Ulf Hamster

Jul 22, 2020, 11:56:03 AM7/22/20
to Sean Morgan, Wansoo Kim, SIG Addons
Hello Wansoo,
I guess "maintainer" is something you grow into. It's not assigned from the start. Like any active repo, there is a certain style of how things get done (e.g. coding style, how files are organized). There are plenty of opportunities to practice what is expected from a maintainer, e.g.
(0) use tensorflow addons and find new bugs
(1) contribute as a developer (i.e. create a branch, fix the bugs yourself, open PRs)
(2) code reviews (i.e. write code reviews for other peoples' PRs and give helpful feedback)
(3) fix the PRs of other devs (i.e. fix stuff in their branch)

The main difference is that official maintainers like Sean can hit the "merge pull request" button. If you contribute a lot it will show up here and people will notice.


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