What can be my password? Is there a minimum length? Should it have a number in it? Is xyzAbc! a good password?

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Taaras Application Knowledge Base

Aug 17, 2016, 8:22:15 AM8/17/16
to Taaras Application Knowledge Base
Rules to follow when User set their own password or set another User's password are as follows:
  1. Please set 4 digit numbers  (2312,5643,7564 etc are valid examples) as passwords for your account and FW accounts. For e.g. , you can set password to be last 4 digits of FWs mobile number. Choose a suitable rule as per your ease of use. We suggest this format because it is easy to type and remember, especially for FWs. 
  2. Do not set a password which can easily be found out. For e.g. All FWs passwords set as same across a CO is not a good idea. 
  3. No account should have easy to find passwords like 1111, 1234, 2222, 4321 etc.
CO Managers and HDFs/UHDs must follow these rules when they set their own and their FW's password. Security of the application will be compromised if you do not follow these rules. Request all to follow these simple rules.
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