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Need teacher contacts, please

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Oct 21, 2024, 8:13:30 PM10/21/24

From: Rachel Kirby <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 10:07 AM
Subject: Need teacher contacts, please


Autumn Greetings, dear teachers!


The No Food Left Behind program of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition is once again offering our FREE in-classroom presentations for local elementary students, about how and why to prevent wasted food at home. These live, musical, “eco-educational” activities are based around NFLB’s popular video series produced in both English AND Spanish, created by NFLB’s own “Magic Mama” Kjersten Hallin. We ask teachers to show the videos ahead of our classroom visit.

ABOUT THE PRESENTER:  Kjersten holds a BFA and K-12 Art Ed degree, and has 35+ years experience leading programs in art, adventure and music. Local 509J and other students always enjoy her presentations, and go home talking about preventing wasted food, eating fresher, and saving their families money on groceries - a win-win-win!

ABOUT THE VIDEOS:  Magic Mama's Waste-Less Message is delivered in (3) short videos with catchy songs, rhythmic beats, animated sequences and easy-to-remember takeaways, interspersed with fun explorations of such important concepts as the carbon footprint or "foodprint" of your diet. In the videos, we visit a local organic farm, meet some of the people who work there and learn some new connections about the resources involved in food production, "from seed to plate." 

Video content was developed to support curriculum core standards for grades 3 - 5


  • Schedule a classroom period with Kjersten Hallin, for Oct, Nov or Dec 2024. 
  • Show students all three 12-17 min. videos during the week prior.
  • Kjersten arrives as “Magic Mama” - classes meet the videos’ creator, producer and host in person! (kids always get excited, feeling like they’re meeting a TV star!)
  • Kjersten leads the class in engaging activities that address healthy eating, waste prevention and climate change issues in a fun and creative way, including “Breathing With the Trees,” singing original songs, a Seed-To-Plate exercise, and some Q&A.
  • The activities are kinesthetic, getting kiddos out of their seats and working together. 
  • Free compost collection pails are offered to each classroom.
  • Helpful handouts are provided in English or Spanish, so kids can share what they learned with their families.


Please watch our FUN educational videos in English or Spanish, and contact us ASAP to schedule your free classroom visit (in English) with Magic Mama!


Jeanette Hardison

Director, No Food Left Behind - Corvallis

A program of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition’s

Waste Prevention Action Team

541-602-3430 mobile

Read our “Kitchen Confessions” blog!

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NFLB presentation pics - Bessie Coleman Elem for 2024-25 (1).pdf
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