Recently published:
Pykett, J., Ball, S., Dingwall, R., Lepenies, R., Sommer, T., Strassheim, H., & Wenzel, L. (2022). Ethical moments and institutional expertise in UK Government COVID-19 pandemic policy responses: where, when and how is ethical advice sought? Evidence & Policy, 1-20. doi:10.1332/174426421x16596928051179
Straßheim, H. 2021. Time, Sustainability, and Public Policy. In K. H. Goetz (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Time and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press (DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190862084.001.0001)
Straßheim, H. 2021. Paradoxien und Pendel: Umstrittene Expertise in der Weltgesellschaft. In S. Büttner & T. Laux (Hg.), Umstrittene Expertise. Zur Wissensproblematik der Politik (Leviathan Sonderband 38). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 67-89