Fwd: [recher-stslab-iss-ssp] 12 avril, 12h, salle Géo 2215 et en ligne: Astrid Schrader, University of Exeter, Séminaire STS Lab Constructing the Biosocial

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Loïc Riom

Apr 12, 2023, 11:28:50 AM4/12/23
to swis...@sts-ch.org

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De: Marc Audétat <marc.a...@unil.ch>
Objet: [recher-stslab-iss-ssp] 12 avril, 12h, salle Géo 2215 et en ligne: Astrid Schrader, University of Exeter, Séminaire STS Lab Constructing the Biosocial
Date: 11 avril 2023 à 12:39:03 UTC+2
À: Unité STS <recher-sts...@unil.ch>
Répondre à: Marc Audétat <marc.a...@unil.ch>

Chères et chers collègues,

Francesco Panese, Luca Chiapperino et Cécile Fasel ont le plaisir d'accueillir Astrid Schrader (University of Exeter) ce mercredi 12 avril de 12h00 à 13h30 dans le cadre de notre série de séminaires «Constructing the Biosocial: an engaged inquiry into epigenetics and post-genomic biosciences». 

Astrid travaille à l'intersection entre les STS féministes et les Human-Animal Studies. Elle nous présentera son talk "Caring with Haunted Microbes" (résumé ci-dessous) et nous donnera une belle occasion de réfléchir aux liens que produisent et entretiennent les sciences à "leurs objets". Elle nous parlera de "logique abyssale" et de métaphysique. Un gros programme.(Lunch offert ensuite !) 

La réunion se fera au Géopolis 2215 et ici https://epfl.zoom.us/j/66516277875


Caring with Haunted Microbes
Exploring scientific accounts of marine microbes that update understandings of microbial existences in the controversially named Anthropocene, this paper argues that attention to the temporalities of microbes allows for new modes of caring in the practice of science. Making sense of newly affirmed phenomena such as the collective suicide of marine algae or the circadian rhythms of cyanobacteria (that don’t live a day) requires new ontologies that replace the priority of being and presence with inheritance and transgenerational communications: that is, a hauntology as introduced by Jacques Derrida. I argue that these biohauntings make explicit the contribution of scientific observation to the observed phenomenon. Caring becomes enabled by an out-of-jointness of the microbial self. ‘Caring with’ articulates two relationships at once: between science and technology studies (STS) and science, on one hand and between scientists and their ‘object’ of studies, on the other hand. While pushing thinking to the limit, ‘caring with’ displaces the opposition between ‘thinking with’ and ‘living with’, as abstract and embodied activity. Rethinking ‘the limit’ with care – the limit between life and death and between individual lives and that of populations, for example – requires an abyssal logic, a logic that allows for an opening in the structure of being. Renewed attention to microbial life not only updates understandings of microbial existences, but also at the same time challenges some metaphysical assumption about how science is done, its relationship to philosophy, politics and ethics.

2emecycle_Ecobiosocial complexities.pdf
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