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Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal

Mar 21, 2020, 6:48:37 PM3/21/20
Greetings all!

I hope you are all well, keeping busy and connected while we are practicing social distancing. We have adjusted well and here at the end of week 1 I wish to again devote regular time to this guild!

I am seeking 5 wardens to become leaders of the company. This is mandated per our charter; it is also prudent! We need diversity of thought and experience to make this a strong group. At this time I have no requirements other than a willingness to serve - commit to actively participating in the group while also furthering your own practice of the Stationers' various arts. 

Our first task will be to compile the requirements for guild levels. 

If you are interested, please respond to me here or in private if preferred. 

Thanks ever so much!

Yours in service, 

(Cross-posted to Facebook)

Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal

Mar 24, 2020, 11:11:24 AM3/24/20
to Stationers-Discuss

I want to thank the following people who responded to my call for wardens for the Company: Mike BannonRob AultMichelle D NathanMike Goodman and Ellen Weiner. I appreciate your commitment to helping this group grow!

I'll be reaching out to you as a group shortly, and together we will begin solidifying how this group will run and share that with the entire group. This will include conversations about terms limits, membership levels, guild rankings, largesse, reporting and most importantly, opportunities for teaching and learning.

Congratulations and again, thank you for your service!

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