What do you want to learn?

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Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal

Feb 28, 2020, 6:42:25 PM2/28/20
to Stationers-Discuss
Folks, what do you most want to learn? Be as broad or as narrow as you like. I'd like us to put together a good set of resources and classes for the future. 


Cellach Dhonn Inghean Mhic an Mhadaigh

Mar 1, 2020, 2:28:56 PM3/1/20
to stationer...@stationers.eastkingdom.org
I learned how to make book at Pennsic, would like to redo that for Largess.  I do my own paper.  I would love to learn to do perod covers, illumination, glue the making opf a book versus booklet.  I love learning, so about everything.

Cellach Dhonn

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