Lucene Search

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Andrea Westerinen

Jul 30, 2013, 1:43:54 AM7/30/13
I am seeing some very weird behavior with Lucene search and will attempt to describe it here.

To set the stage ... I have code that creates OWL NamedIndividuals with triples for a description (defined using an annotation property, dc:description).  I also use the dc:description predicate in my ontology definition files to provide descriptions for classes, properties and hard-coded NamedIndividuals.  Everything loads fine and is queriable.

Now comes the strange part ... when I do SOME query searches (either through the command line or using SPARQL and the textMatch predicate), I don't get all the results back ... but only for certain search strings and only when the NamedIndividuals are created by the code.  (I said that the behavior was weird.)

For example, ... When I search for the words, "test" or "one" alone, I get back all occurrences for classes, properties and NamedIndividuals that were loaded from .owl files.  But I don't get the NamedIndividuals that were individually added as triples by the code.  However, if I search for the string, "sdf*", I do find every occurrence.  Or, and this is even stranger, if I search for "test AND one", then I get everything returned correctly.

When I tried loading a test ontology with the exact same dc:description that failed for my code-created NamedIndividuals, it worked fine.

I am at a loss as to what is wrong.

Thanks for any ideas ... Andrea

Mike Grove

Jul 30, 2013, 7:05:20 AM7/30/13
to stardog
Stardog doesn't track how you added a triple, via code or the CLI, so that is probably not the issue, though it suggests that the data depending on how it was created, is different, which would explain the behavior.

Can you provide the queries you're issuing to Stardog along with the dataset that reproduces the behavior so I can look into it?



I am at a loss as to what is wrong.

Thanks for any ideas ... Andrea

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