Spring samples not building

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David Milward

Aug 17, 2014, 12:15:43 PM8/17/14
to sta...@clarkparsia.com
I'm trying to get the spring samples working, I suspect that there is a problem with line 91 in the gradle file:
beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signPom(deployment) }

authentication(userName: sonatypeUsername, password: sonatypePassword)

The actual error I am getting is shown in screen shot and below:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':compile'.

> Could not find group:com.complexible.stardog.protocols.snarl, module:client, version:2.2.1.

  Required by:


> Could not find group:com.complexible.stardog, module:openrdf-utils, version:2.2.1.

  Required by:


> Could not find group:com.complexible.stardog, module:shared, version:2.2.1.

  Required by:


> Could not find group:com.complexible.stardog, module:api, version:2.2.1.

  Required by:


Does anyone have any idea how to correct this?


Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 17.11.59.png

Al Baker

Aug 17, 2014, 12:35:20 PM8/17/14
to sta...@clarkparsia.com
Hi David,

The errors look like you haven’t run the mavenInstall script that comes with the Stardog distribution.  Here are the instructions to build the stardog-spring project:

To build the stardog-spring bindings, you will need to:
  1. Download Stardog 2.2.1 and run “bin/mavenInstall"
  2. Edit the build.gradle and point to your local distribution, this is needed for the embedded server testing
  3. Make sure you have a proper license file in $STARDOG_HOME, which should match step 2
  4. Note that your Stardog server should not be running during the test, as it will be using the STARDOG_HOME with the embedded server capability
  5. Run ‘gradle build’.  Note that Gradle 1.9 is recommended, as later versions have a strict pom.xml parsing and don’t like some of the Sesame dependencies that omit a version

All of this isn’t necessary if you want to just try out a sample program.  You can download Stardog, run mavenInstall, and add ‘com.complexible.stardog:stardog-spring:2.2.1’ as a Gradle/Maven dependency and use it in an application.   

Once you do that you can easily try something out with Spring Boot, any of the Spring templates in Spring Tool Suite, or whatever Spring managed environment you want.  

At some point soon, I’ll have an updated example that just uses the client dependencies.  This will be available in the stardog-examples repo.


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David Milward

Aug 19, 2014, 6:32:13 AM8/19/14
to sta...@clarkparsia.com
Hi Al,

Thanks for that, I’ve got it sort of working now, but just moved onto try your groovy code - which also works.

I see you have the JPA library, have you thought about a GORM persistence mechanism? Do you think this would be difficult to code? I am quite keen to compare RDMS with graph/rdf.



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