Re: [stardog-users] Map blank nodes from stardog to pubby

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Kendall Clark

Dec 6, 2012, 7:47:13 AM12/6/12
You'd have to ask the Pubby developers. We don't support their tool on this list. If they can tell you what sort of query they're doing, we'd be happy to help you if there is a Stardog bug.

FWIW, our forthcoming web console for Stardog will include Annex, our Linked Data platform. Any RDF database in Stardog will also be exposed, subject to ACLs, as a Linked Data web app.


On Thursday, December 6, 2012, Abhay Kashyap wrote:


I am quite new to stardog and I had a question with respect to browsing the triple store.

So I have this .rdf that I have loaded onto Stardog and then I am using Pubby running over Jetty, to browse the triple store.

In my rdf file, I have several blank nodes. So this is a snippet of the rdf file.

<kbp:ORG rdf:about="http://somehostname/resource/res1">
    <kbp:mentionStart rdf:datatype="">1234</kbp:mentionStart>
    <kbp:mentionEnd rdf:datatype="">1239</kbp:mentionEnd>

So basically I have some resource "res1" which has links to blank node which has a mention start and mention end offset value.

The snippet of the config.ttl file for Pubby is shown below.

conf:dataset [
    # SPARQL endpoint URL of the dataset
conf:sparqlEndpoint <http://localhost:5822/xxx/query>;
    #conf:sparqlEndpoint <http://localhost:5822/foaf/query>;
    # Default graph name to query (not necessary for most endpoints)
    conf:sparqlDefaultGraph <>;
    # Common URI prefix of all resource URIs in the SPARQL dataset
conf:datasetBase <http://somehostname/>;

When I try to map this, there is an "Anonymous resource" link but upon clicking, nothing is displayed. (It does not say resource not found either and it displays the Pubby template but with no resources whatsoever. Just the first line and a link to the previous page. ) My guess is, this is because the blank node has some identifier like _:bnode1234 which is not mapped by Pubby.

But if I simply load the rdf file as onto Pubby directly, the "Anonymous resource" link works fine. i.e. displays the resource,

I wanted to know if anyone out there knows how to map these blank nodes are mapped. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Thank you! :)

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Abhay Kashyap

Dec 10, 2012, 8:26:43 PM12/10/12
Thank you! :)
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