CLI built-in help is really confusing and inconsistent (examples: user addrole, db create, etc.)

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Andrew Simms

Oct 22, 2013, 5:00:02 PM10/22/13
Consider the built-in help for addrole:

        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user addrole
                (-R <role> | --role <role>) [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

            Assigns a role to a user.

            With --role option, Role to be associated with the user.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

This command has a mandatory argument, which is not mentioned:  the user name you are trying to add:

stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user addrole name 
                (-R <role> | --role <role>) [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

Another inconsistency is with db create:

stardog-admin [--server <server url>] db create
                [(-c <config> | --config <config>)]
                [(-o <options> | --options <options>)...] [(-t <type> | --type <type>)]
                [(-n <name> | --name <name>)] [(-s | --searchable)] [(-d | --durable)]
                [(-i | --index-triples-only)] [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

Specifying a name is required, yet it is shown as optional.  More clear (and consistent) would be:

stardog-admin [--server <server url>] db create databasename
                [(-c <config> | --config <config>)]
                [(-o <options> | --options <options>)...] [(-t <type> | --type <type>)]
                [(-s | --searchable)] [(-d | --durable)]
                [(-i | --index-triples-only)] [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

Also, this appears in help text many commands:
 [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

It should be written (you should either specify the password or have the system prompt for it):
 [(-p <password> | --passwd <password> | -P | --ask-password)]

Mike Grove

Oct 23, 2013, 9:10:08 AM10/23/13
to stardog
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Andrew Simms <> wrote:
Consider the built-in help for addrole:

        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user addrole
                (-R <role> | --role <role>) [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

            Assigns a role to a user.

            With --role option, Role to be associated with the user.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

This command has a mandatory argument, which is not mentioned:  the user name you are trying to add:

stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user addrole name 
                (-R <role> | --role <role>) [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

I think you snipped the help prematurely, this is what stardog-admin help user addrole displays as it's full synopsis:

        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user addrole
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
                (-R <role> | --role <role>) [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [--] <username>

The mandatory argument, username, is listed after all of the command options.  While it's perhaps not ideal that it's listed at the end, arguments in the help are shown in that order because you cannot put any of the command arguments, such as --role, after the mandatory username argument because it is expected to be the final argument of the program.


Another inconsistency is with db create:

stardog-admin [--server <server url>] db create
                [(-c <config> | --config <config>)]
                [(-o <options> | --options <options>)...] [(-t <type> | --type <type>)]
                [(-n <name> | --name <name>)] [(-s | --searchable)] [(-d | --durable)]
                [(-i | --index-triples-only)] [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

Specifying a name is required, yet it is shown as optional.  More clear (and consistent) would be:

stardog-admin [--server <server url>] db create databasename
                [(-c <config> | --config <config>)]
                [(-o <options> | --options <options>)...] [(-t <type> | --type <type>)]
                [(-s | --searchable)] [(-d | --durable)]
                [(-i | --index-triples-only)] [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

The database name via -n/--name is not actually required, which is why it's shown as optional.  You can specify it in your configuration (-c/--config), in which case, you don't need to provide a value for the name argument.  The help for the name argument mentions this quirk: "The name is a required property of a database, but it can be omitted on the command line if it is specified in a configuration file via the -c/--config flag."



Also, this appears in help text many commands:
 [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

It should be written (you should either specify the password or have the system prompt for it):
 [(-p <password> | --passwd <password> | -P | --ask-password)]

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Oct 23, 2013, 11:24:55 AM10/23/13
Thanks for the clarification on database name, I had forgotten about using a config file.

However, in my stardog-admin user help text, the additional line you mention is not there anywhere in my output:

          [--] <username>

stardog@triple4:/localstore/stardog/stardog-2.0.1$ bin/stardog-admin help user
        stardog-admin user - Commands for working with users

        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user add [(-s | --superuser)]
                [(-N <password> | --new-password <password>)]

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user addrole
                (-R <role> | --role <role>) [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user disable

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user enable

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user grant
                (-a <action> | --action <action>) (-o <object> | --object <object>)

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user list [--verbose]
                [(-f <format> | --format <format>)]

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user passwd
                [(-N <new password> | --new-password <new password>)]

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user permission
                [(-f <format> | --format <format>)]

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user remove

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user removerole

                (-R <role> | --role <role>) [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]
        stardog-admin [--server <server url>] user revoke
                (-a <action> | --action <action>) (-o <object> | --object <object>)

                [(-u <username> | --username <username>)]
                [(-p <password> | --passwd <password>)] [(-P | --ask-password)]

        --server <server url>
            URL of Stardog Server. If this option isn't specified, it will be
            read from JVM argument 'stardog.default.cli.server'. If the JVM arg
            isn't set, the default value 'snarl://localhost:5820' is used. If
            server URL has no explicit port value, the default port value '5820'
            is used. Example: 'stardog --server snarl:// server

            Adds a new user.

            With --superuser option, Superuser flag. If this flag is set, the
            new user will be a super user.

            With --new-password option, Password for new user. If not provided,
            the user will be prompted to enter it.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Enables a user.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Disables a user.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Assigns a role to a user.

            With --role option, Role to be associated with the user.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Removes a role from a user.

            With --role option, Role to be removed.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Removes a user.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Grants a permission to a user.

            With --action option, Action to be permitted:

            With --object option, Target resource (user:username,

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Lists all users.

            With --verbose option, Verbose flag. If this flag is set more user
            information will be printed.

            With --format option, Output format, one of [TEXT, CSV, HTML]. The
            default is 'TEXT'.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Revokes user permission.

            With --action option, Action to be permitted:

            With --object option, Target resource (user:username,

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Lists user permissions.

            With --format option, Output format, one of [TEXT, CSV, HTML]. The
            default is 'TEXT'.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

            Changes user password.

            With --new-password option, New password for user. If not provided,
            the user will be prompted to enter it.

            With --username option, User name.

            With --passwd option, Password.

            With --ask-password option, Prompt for password.

Mike Grove

Oct 23, 2013, 11:28:14 AM10/23/13
to stardog
On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 11:24 AM, <> wrote:
Thanks for the clarification on database name, I had forgotten about using a config file.

However, in my stardog-admin user help text, the additional line you mention is not there anywhere in my output:

Ah, you have to do help for the command, ie 'help user addrole', 'help user' just shows the help for the entire group of commands, which unfortunately, doesn't show the full synopsis for each command.


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