GUI message "Couldn't load Schema in 15 seconds, it may be too large." but schema is small

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Conrad Leonard

Jul 22, 2015, 1:39:22 AM7/22/15
to Stardog
== Summary ==

Running 3.1.3
I create a database with about 2k triples in a named graph that is specified in config as the TBOX. All other settings are default.
I add 200k+ triples to a different named graph.
Browsing the data in the UI gives the message "Couldn't load Schema in 15 seconds, it may be too large." 
If I instead add the 200k+ triples to the default graph, the message is not shown and I can browse the class tree in the UI just fine.

== Reproduce failure ==
[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog-admin db create -o reasoning.schema.graphs=foo:bar -n test
Successfully created database 'test'.

[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog data add -g foo:bar test ~/workspace/grafli/ontology/grafli-tbox.owl
Adding data from file: /home/conradL/workspace/grafli/ontology/grafli-tbox.owl
Added 2,146 triples in 00:00:00.061

[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog data add -g baz:quux test /tmp/grafli-ui-rebuild.1437537973/study\:cca9365f-b292-484f-9eab-2c143bebb2b4.ttl 
Adding data from file: /tmp/grafli-ui-rebuild.1437537973/study:cca9365f-b292-484f-9eab-2c143bebb2b4.ttl
Added 263,255 triples in 00:00:01.312
[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog query  test "SELECT ?g (count(?s) as ?n) WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } } GROUP BY ?g"
|    g     |   n    |
| foo:bar  | 2146   |
| baz:quux | 263255 |

Query returned 2 results in 00:00:00.039

[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog-admin metadata get -o reasoning.schema.graphs test
|         Option          |  Value  |
| reasoning.schema.graphs | foo:bar |

At this point, navigating to http://localhost:5820/test#!/schema shows the blue loading progress bar for a while, then ends with "Couldn't load Schema in 15 seconds, it may be too large." 

== Reproduce success ==

Remove the data from the named graph and add to the default graph:

[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog data remove -g baz:quux test 
Removed 263,255 triples in 00:00:00.501

[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog data add test /tmp/grafli-ui-rebuild.1437537973/study\:cca9365f-b292-484f-9eab-2c143bebb2b4.ttl 
Adding data from file: /tmp/grafli-ui-rebuild.1437537973/study:cca9365f-b292-484f-9eab-2c143bebb2b4.ttl
Added 263,255 triples in 00:00:01.609

[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog query  test "SELECT ?g (count(?s) as ?n) WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } } GROUP BY ?g"
|    g    |   n   |
| foo:bar | 2146  |

Query returned 1 results in 00:00:00.033

[conradL@qimr13054 ~]$ stardog query  test "SELECT (count(?s) as ?n) WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"
|   n    |
| 263255 |

At this point, navigating to http://localhost:5820/test#!/schema works just fine.

Same behaviour if one uses SPARQL MOVE to move data between default & named graphs, e.g  MOVE <baz:quux> TO DEFAULT  makes the UI browser behave again; MOVE DEFAULT TO <baz:quux> shows the "Couldn't load Schema..." message.

I can supply the data if you wish.

Michael Grove

Jul 22, 2015, 2:41:10 PM7/22/15
to stardog
This sounds like a known issue, #2387, and it's been fixed for the next revision.



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Pavel Klinov

Jul 22, 2015, 3:43:26 PM7/22/15
Again, we wouldn't mind having the data to verify that it's been fixed.


Conrad Leonard

Jul 22, 2015, 8:27:42 PM7/22/15
to Stardog,
Hi Pavel;
I have uploaded obfuscated data & a simple script to reproduce the behaviour to "Conrad's data/UI class browser issue with named graphs" folder in Dropbox.

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