triples are no loading

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Tze-John Tang

May 7, 2015, 9:59:10 AM5/7/15
For some reason I cannot load triples from files anymore. Can someone see something I am missing? I am pretty sure I am doing it the same way I used to do it. I am getting the error below.

[stardog@aws00001d staging]$ stardog data add -g urn:x-abbvie:gbrs kg biologics.ttl
Adding data from file: biologics.ttl
/biologics.ttl does not exist, cannot create statement source

So I tried a smaller.ttl file test.ttl, which only has the content:

<urn:x-abbvie:1> a <urn:x-abbvie:2> .

Same error:

[stardog@aws00001d staging]$ stardog data add -g urn:x-abbvie:gbrs kg test.ttl
Adding data from file: test.ttl
/test.ttl does not exist, cannot create statement source

So I tried some other things to make sure the connection is ok.

[stardog@aws00001d staging]$ stardog data size kg
Size: 17,506,634 triples.

[stardog@aws00001d staging]$ stardog query execute kg "select distinct ?g where { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o }}"
|                                    g                                    |
| urn:x-abbvie:rdf-service                                                |
|                                 |
| urn:x-abbvie:peopledirectory                                            |
| urn:x-abbvie:rdf-service:config                                         |
| urn:x-abbvie:libra                                                      |
| urn:x-abbvie:trakm                                                      |
| urn:x-abbvie:drug:citeline                                              |
| urn:x-abbvie:targets                                                    |

Query returned 13 results in 00:00:00.056

So things seem to be ok.. I just cannot add triples.

Thanks for any advice.


Evren Sirin

May 7, 2015, 10:19:26 AM5/7/15
to Stardog
Data add command sends the server only the file path when both are
running on the same machine, i.e. connecting to localhost. But we
recently discovered a bug that the data add command sends only
relative path information to the server. This is not an issue if you
use the client and the server from the same installation directory but
would cause a file not found exception in other cases. The error
message suggests that might be the case here so try specifying the
full path in the command. In bash, passing $PWD/test.ttl would work.

If this does not solve the problem can you check your stardog.log and
see if there is a more detailed error message. Also using -v option in
data add command will print a more detailed stack trace that'd be

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Tze-John Tang

May 7, 2015, 10:46:46 AM5/7/15
Thanks evren.  The full path did the trick.

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