Minimum and Maximum DB Time

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nitin verma

Dec 6, 2017, 11:46:35 PM12/6/17
to SQLTest
Hi ,

I have 2 questions :

(1) If I have a workload which runs a SQL query for 10 iterations then along with Average DB time can I get a statistics to display Mimum DB time (fastest one) and maximum DB time( slowest one)?
(2) Is there a way to save all the results table in a excel sheet automatically after run or is there a way to convert the Report XML file into tables before emailing ?

Ramesh Meyyappan

Dec 17, 2017, 9:42:48 AM12/17/17
to SQLTest

Hello Nitin

If you mouse hover “Execution Time” tab ( numbers, you will see Minimum, Average and Maximum time.

There is a copy button ( on the top left of the “Execution Time” tab which will copy Average numbers to clipboard, which you can later paste it to Excel.

The report with Detailed statistics ( also provides Minimum, Average and Maximum time. This is in XML, you need to convert this into row sets.

There is no automatic way to save to Excel. Currently there is no automated way to convert Report XML into tables, I will work on it and update here when it is done.

Best Regards

nitin verma

Dec 20, 2017, 8:37:03 PM12/20/17
to SQLTest
Thanks Ramesh for your inputs.

I can now see the minimum and maximum time but I want this to be part of a table which when I copy using copy button and paste in Excel it is visible. My developers/database team always ask for these inputs as part of reports

Few suggestion if you would like to incorporate:

  • Minimum DB time and Maximum DB time to be included in reports table and be visible
  • Ability to convert Reports in graphical form would be awesome to have 
  • Ability to automatically schedule the test runs.

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