discussed, we would like to have a (if not several more) rule clarified prior
to the qualifier.
The touching of home plate by an athlete.
Q: If an athlete touches the home plate when coming home, are they an out for
touching home plate?
A: Yes, they are. ( do not touch the plate. Let the catcher have the plate)
Q: If an athlete crosses the commitment line and then turns or returns to the home plate and touches it, are they an out?
A: Yes, they are out . If they go back to third, once they have committed.
Q: If an athlete crosses the commitment line and then turns or return to the home plate and touches the plate, and there is a play at home plate - i.e. the catcher is also standing touching home plate waiting for a throw, receiving a throw, etc. is the offensive player an out?
A: Yes they are out, if the ball beats the player to the safe line
Q: If an athlete crosses the commitment line and then turns or return to the home plate and touches the plate, and there is a play at home plate - ie the catcher is attempting to field the ball and is off the plate but still trying to make a play i.e. ball has made it past catcher and they are fielding it and trying to return to home plate at same time as offensive player is also turning to or returning to home plate, are they an out?
A: - If the runner is avoiding collision ONLY, they would NOT likely be called out.
- They would be called out in all other circumstances.
Q: We have always played that any touching of home plate whether directly before crossing commitment line, turning to or returning and touching home plate in any way, shape or fashion is an out - is that still correct?
A: Yes, this is correct.
Coach D