I'm very interested in starting a Special Olympic Golf Program in the Windsor area with the Caboto Specials. Before I commit to this project I would appreciate some of my questions answered such as:

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Greg Farnham

Dec 24, 2012, 3:12:55 PM12/24/12
to golf....@specialolympicsontario.ca

Is there a structured golf program? How can I get a copy ?

How long is the program?

Do I need a golf pro?

When and where is the golf course available for  2013 ?

Do all volunteers need to take the golf course?

L Rushworth

Jan 3, 2013, 9:26:28 PM1/3/13
to golf....@specialolympicsontario.ca

Hi Greg

I have coached the program in Kingston for 8 years.  When we started golf was not sanctioned yet so we had a number of bumps along the way that maybe I can help you avoid.  Our biggest advantage was having a good relationship with the management of your golf course both from the head office to the people in the Pro shop.  You do not need a certified pro for your program but it can help.  You can put the word out at your club on the bulletin board etc that you need help from members both in their time and any spare clubs you can use for training.  There are manuals that you can download from the SO American site to help you structure a starter program.  If you want any other advice drop me a line at garrisone...@gmail.com.

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