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Basketball Canada

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Dia Sue-Wah-Sing

Apr 29, 2015, 12:49:14 PM4/29/15

Canada Basketball Coach Education,

the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP),

University of Toronto and

Ryerson University 

are excited to be hosting the inaugural and largest basketball coaching clinic dedicated to supporting Canadian basketball coaches

2015 Canada Basketball NCCP Super Clinic.

May 29-31 2015 weekend in Toronto.


There will be three different types of streams to choose from that will all include the Friday and Saturday night Keynotes:


Type 1) 6 different conference NCCP streams to choose from, which are categorized by NCCP course (Fundamentals, Learn to Train, Train to Train and Train to Compete)

Streams #5-10 on the attached schedule


Type 2) 2 different Professional development streams based on athlete development age group (Coaching conference with National and International Speakers)

Streams #1 & 2 on the attached schedule


Type 3) 2  different Multi-sport (MS) streams offering coaches the MS courses required for their Train to Compete/Competitive Development certification

Streams #3 & 4 on the attached schedule


10 current and former Canadian national team coaches will present, including Senior Men’s National Team Head Coach Jay Triano. Toronto Raptors alumni, current Assistant Coach, Jama Mahlalela and current Strength & Conditioning Coach Jon Lee will also be presenting (dependent on NBA playoffs).  More information on topics is coming soon on the CB website under coaching/upcoming events.


FIBA Presenter and former Serbian national team player and coach, Nenad Trunic, will also bring an insightful international presence to the clinic. Currently a headline instructor for the FIBA European Coaching Certificate, Trunic is also a Professor on the College of Sport and Health at University of Belgrade with a Ph.D in Management of Basketball Training Technology.   



Friday: Jay Triano and Jama Mahlalela are presenting on U of T’s new Goldring Centre for High Performance, which will follow with a Chalk Talk Social where coaches can interact with snacks and drinks


Saturday: 3 of the Toronto’s Raptors alumni will be presenting and finishing with a panel hosted by Paul Jones at Ryerson’s Mattamy Arena Bowl.



Registration for the NCCP Super Clinic is available for Canadian coaches on Game Plan for $235 CAD


(Canadian coaches are welcome to register for Game Plan on the CB website).  


International coaches or coaches not on Game Plan that are interested to register for $295 CAD with the registration form and payment form.


If you have any registration questions, not sure which stream to select- please contact Coach Education



See  attached the schedule for all 10 streams.

Please note that the streams will be running simultaneously, therefore coaches are only able to register for one stream for the Super Clinic.


For more information please visit:   


2015 NCCP Super Clinic Schedule.pdf
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