table clinVarBed "Browser extensible data (12 fields) plus information about a ClinVar entry" ( string chrom; "Chromosome (or contig, scaffold, etc.)" uint chromStart; "Start position in chromosome" uint chromEnd; "End position in chromosome" string name; "Name of item" uint score; "Score from 0-1000" char[1] strand; "+ or -" uint thickStart; "Start of where display should be thick (start codon)" uint thickEnd; "End of where display should be thick (stop codon)" uint reserved; "Used as itemRgb as of 2004-11-22" int blockCount; "Number of blocks" int[blockCount] blockSizes; "Comma separated list of block sizes" int[blockCount] chromStarts; "Start positions relative to chromStart" lstring origName; "Orignal name of item" string type; "Type of Variant" string geneId; "NCBI Entrez Gene ID" string geneSym; "NCBI Entrez Gene Symbol" string clinSign; "Clinical significance" string snpId; "dbSNP ID" string nsvId; "dbVar ID" string rcvAcc; "ClinVar ID" string testedInGtr; "Genetic Testing Registry" lstring phenotype; "Phenotype identifiers" string origin; "Data origin" string assembly; "Genome assembly" string cytogenetic; "Cytogenetic status" string reviewStatus; "Review status" lstring hgvsCod; "coding HGVS" lstring hgvsProt; "protein HGVS" string numSubmit; "number of submitters" string lastEval; "last evaluation" string guidelines; "guidelines" lstring otherIds; "other identifiers e.g. OMIM IDs, etc." )