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New GTEx like barCharts and bigBarCharts in v350

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Brian Lee

Jun 13, 2017, 5:59:16 PM6/13/17

Track hubs and custom tracks can now display track types that allow for GTEx like displays with custom data in custom tracks and track hubs with our v350 release.

The new barChart and bigBarChart track types are described more fully on the new barChart help page where you can find examples such as the following you can paste into the Custom Tracks page:

track type=barChart name="barChart Example One" description="A barChart file" barChartBars="adiposeSubcut breastMamTissue colonTransverse muscleSkeletal wholeBlood" visibility=pack
browser position chr14:95,086,228-95,158,010
chr14    95086227    95158010    ENSG00000100697.10    999    -    DICER1    5    10.94,11.60,8.00,6.69,4.89

To be incorporated in Track Hubs the above barChart text format files are converted to binary bigBarChart files using the program bedToBigBed, run with the -as option specifying There are also additional barChartMatrixUrl and barChartSampleUrl settings to enable boxplot displays on the details page for track items.

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