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New support for metadata term searches in v362 and note about "doWiggle on" and CyVerse data hosting

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Brian Lee

Mar 15, 2018, 6:35:23 PM3/15/18
In v362 the Public Hubs page software was updated to allow indexing on metadata terms in public hubs.

For example, a metadata term in the BLUEPRINT Hub ERX204011 leads to a hit on that Hub:

By expanding the results one can see where the hits were on individual tracks and then can further right-click and open the option to jump to a Track Setting page that would allow configuring the track (and simultaneously connect the hub).

(Note the above link is to our development server as we have not yet released the indexes supported by the new software to the public site)

Also we have added some documentation about the "doWiggle on" setting in TrackDb:

The doWiggle setting allows BAMs (or CRAMs) to display as wiggle signals by default (otherwise a user must go into the UI and trigger this option).

Also, there has been a "Hosting" section added to Track Hubs User Guide explaining how CyVerse (and GitHub & figshare) are options for users to freely host data (with some limitations) where byte-range requests are supported:

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