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Version 3 of Track Database Definition Document

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Brian Lee

Jun 28, 2021, 6:10:24 PM6/28/21

The Track Database Definition Document defining hub settings has been updated from version two to version three. This document primarily serves as a library of settings that users can refer to when they are setting up and configuring their own track hubs. The update in the version is to account for two new sections that highlight the new bigLolly type specialized for variant data and the new vcfPhasedTrio type specialized for phased VCF data.

The new specifications for these types are included in their relevant sections such as vcfChildSample and vcfUseAltSampleNames for the new vcfPhasedTrio settings, or lollySizeField and lollyField for the new bigLolly settings with full descriptions in the document.

The Track Database Definition Document also serves a second function beyond defining settings as providing a versioned specification for those sites that support and display data from track hubs such as Ensembl and NCBI. See this blog post to learn more about this second element of the document and using the hubCheck utility to gain an idea of how your hub's settings might work on different sites.

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