How to connect customer trackers with a sessions

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Bi Shi

Nov 4, 2015, 1:16:55 p.m.2015-11-04
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Bi Shi, a postdoctoral from University of Alabama at Birmingham.

I met a hard problem this morning when I try to connect my customer track data to my session. I brief describe as follow,

1. I created a session. Click the browser link, lead me to a new page. I upload my bedgraph files, they look OK. But when I sign out and go back again, there is nothing in the session anymore.

2. I try a different method. Also suggest by the USCS tutorial. I used customer track ( which I did not met any difficulty), upload all my trackers. They looked normal, but I can not hook the customer track with the session I created. The description in the website describe the operation as follow:

"In addition to displaying standard UCSC tracks in your session, you can also display the following user-generated tracks:
Custom Tracks
Genome Graph tracks
Before you create and save your session, be sure to upload your Custom Track or Genome Graph track. These user-generated tracks will be kept for four months from the time the session was last accessed. BLAT results always have a lifespan of 48 hours, even if they are part of a session."

But I can not do it.

Because I want to share the ChIP-seq data with my colleagues. I have tried customer track a few times. Customer track only stay up for a few days. How can I connect the customer trackers with a created session using URL (my customer track URL is

I looked forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


Matthew Speir

Nov 5, 2015, 11:43:22 a.m.2015-11-05
to Bi Shi,
Hi Bi,

Thank you for your questions about combing custom tracks and saved
sessions. I think the issue is that you have your steps backwards.

First, you should upload your custom tracks here:

Then, after you've uploaded your custom tracks and configured the Genome
Browser to your liking, you can save it to a new session here:

You need to upload your custom tracks before you can save them into a
session. You can read more about saving sessions here: and more about
custom tracks here: You may also be
interested in the following blog post about sharing data with

I hope this is helpful. If you have any further questions, please reply
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Matthew Speir
UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group
> Because I want to share the ChIP-seq data with my colleagues. I have tried customer track a few times. Customer track only stay up for a few days. How can I connect the customer trackers with a created session using URL (my customer track URL is
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