[help] BAM "Alignment of" in custom track.

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Edahí Gonzalez-Avalos

Aug 25, 2021, 12:27:30 PM8/25/21
to gen...@soe.ucsc.edu
Dear Genome Browser team,

I am a huge fan and follower of your work. I have a question that I can't get solved no matter how much research I do. In the custom BAM tracks, you can click on any particular mapped read, and you will get the sequence and how it is mapped to the reference genome as illustrated in the CIGAR sequence:


The question is: what program or how did you guys get these nicely reported results? I imagine it is kind of a parser from the CIGAR string or similar, but I can't just get it from the tools or similar. Please could you share with me how to do that? Because my collaborator is not a savvy coding person, and this kind of representation is super useful, but it is a pain for him to go on and click through each read exploring these. 

Thank you!

Edahi GA.'.
Bioinformatics Ph.D Candidate
UCSD -- Dr. Anjana Rao Laboratory
La Jolla Institute for Immunology

Jairo Navarro Gonzalez

Aug 26, 2021, 7:52:28 PM8/26/21
to Edahí Gonzalez-Avalos, UCSC Genome Browser Discussion List


Thank you for using the UCSC Genome Browser and sending your inquiry.

You can generate a display like this by using the tool, pslPretty, which will require you to convert
your BAM file into a PSL file. You can accomplish this using the bamToPsl tool. We recommend that
you filter the BAM file to the specific region that you want to visualize as it will increase the speed
of running pslPretty. To filter your BAM file to a specific position range, our engineers recommend
using samtools, http://www.htslib.org/.

You can download these tools, pslPretty and bamToPsl, from the utilities directory:


When running pslPretty, the target.lst file corresponds to the 2bit file and query.lst are the FASTA
sequences inside the BAM file.

$ pslPretty 
pslPretty - Convert PSL to human-readable output
   pslPretty in.psl target.lst query.lst pretty.out
   -axt             Save in format like Scott Schwartz's axt format.
                    Note gaps in both sequences are still allowed in the
                    output, which not all axt readers will expect.
   -dot=N           Output a dot every N records.
   -long            Don't abbreviate long inserts.
   -check=fileName  Output alignment checks to filename.
It's recommended that the psl file be sorted by target if it contains
multiple targets; otherwise, this will be extremely slow. The target and query
lists can be fasta, 2bit or nib files, or a list of these files, one per line.

I hope this is helpful. If you have any further questions, please reply to gen...@soe.ucsc.edu.
All messages sent to that address are archived on a publicly accessible Google Groups forum.
If your question includes sensitive data, you may send it instead to genom...@soe.ucsc.edu.

Jairo Navarro
UCSC Genome Browser

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Edahí Gonzalez-Avalos

Oct 1, 2021, 10:08:17 AM10/1/21
to UCSC Genome Browser Discussion List
Thank you, Jairo. I was able to find and download the tools you mentioned, working with bamToPsl was easy, and searching around I haven't find a way to work with pslPretty. Especifically, I am struggling with the 2nd and 3rd input arguments. I have used fasta formatted targets and queries and I always end up with the hashMustFindVal error that the first record in the psl file is not found: 
hashMustFindVal: 'A00475:265:HW5LHDRXX:1:2146:13919:13228' not found. 
Are there example files for the in.psl, target.lst and query.lst I could download to learn how to use this tool? Thank you again!

Brian Lee

Oct 4, 2021, 7:50:05 PM10/4/21
to Edahí Gonzalez-Avalos, UCSC Genome Browser Discussion List

Dear Edahi,

Thank you for using the UCSC Genome Browser and your question about using command-line tools to reproduce alignment information.

To have success with these steps we recommend that you filter the original BAM file down to the specific region that you want to process. You can use samtools to do this step to convert a sizeable bam file to a smaller bam of the region of interest:

samtools view -b -o smallerOutputBam.bam largerOriginalInput.bam "chr1:200000-300000"

To help illustrate the steps I will use an RNA-seq bam file from ENCODE on the human hg19 assembly. First I will get the underlying human hg19 assembly in the 2bit format. Then I will get the bam file in question and the index bam.bai file as well and rename the example file to make the other commands more straightforward:.

wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/hg19/hg19.2bit
wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeq/wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeqK562CellTotalAlnRep2.bam
wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/encodeDCC/wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeq/wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeqK562CellTotalAlnRep2.bam.bai
mv wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeqK562CellTotalAlnRep2.bam exampleFile.bam
mv wgEncodeCshlLongRnaSeqK562CellTotalAlnRep2.bam.bai exampleFile.bam.bai

With these files in place I will first extract a portion of the bam file into a smaller bam file. Then that smallerBam.bam will be converted to psl format. In that step a -fasta=reads.fa option will generate a fasta file that contains the reads of query sequences (reads.fa). Next the pslPretty step will create a pretty.output file and using the alignment information in psl (pslFile.psl) against the target sequence (hg19.2bit) and the query sequence in fasta (reads.fa).

samtools view -b -o smallerBam.bam exampleFile.bam "chr1:934210-934285" 
bamToPsl -fasta=reads.fa smallerBam.bam pslFile.psl
pslPretty pslFile.psl hg19.2bit reads.fa pretty.out

You can compare this with loading the bam file on the Browser and clicking into the item. Here is a session of that file loaded as a custom track: http://genome.ucsc.edu/s/brianlee/prettyPslCheck

If you scroll down to the highlighted read you can click into the item and on the details page you will see this:

Alignment of PAN:3:93:1671:402/2/1 to chr1:934210-934285:

>>>>>> ||| | |||||| ||||| |||| ||||| |  ||||||||||||||||| >>>>>>
934210 ccgcccgacgcccccagccacctgcagaccgcggccctgggaggagggcg 934259

>>>>>> |||||||||||||||||||||||||| >>>>>>
934260 ggaccccggcgcggcgtggctgcggg 934285

This will be similar to the information in the pretty.out file for this named item (PAN:3:93:1671:402/2/1):

$ cat pretty.out  | grep -A 7 PAN:3:93:1671
>PAN:3:93:1671:402/2/1:0-76 of 76 chr1:934209+934285 of 249250621
||| | |||||| ||||| |||| ||||| |  |||||||||||||||||||||||||||


Thank you again for your inquiry and for using the UCSC Genome Browser. If you have any further public questions, please send new questions to gen...@soe.ucsc.edu. All messages sent to that address are archived on a publicly accessible forum to help others find answers to similar questions. If your question includes sensitive data, you may send it instead to genom...@soe.ucsc.edu, which is a private internal list to our support team.

All the best,

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