For a comprehensive list of changes for this version, please visit/bookmark (you may need to force refresh in your web browser to see an updated page):
We typically release a new version every three weeks. A summary of all past releases and changes can be found at the above link.
The new source code tree is available at:
or labeled with version number at:
or in our Github repository in the "beta" branch and also tagged with the version number.
If you use the GBiB virtual machine with auto-updates enabled, it will automatically update itself on Sunday. If you have installed your UCSC Genome Browser server with the GBiC installation script, then you can upgrade it with the command "sudo bash update".
If you have installed your Genome Browser manually:
A license is required for commercial download and/or installation of the Genome Browser binaries and source code. No license is needed for academic, nonprofit, and personal use. More information on our licensing page:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to write back to this genome-mirror mail list.
Jonathan Casper
UCSC Genomics Institute