error with interact custom track

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Belinda M. Giardine

May 6, 2024, 6:07:06 PMMay 6
We are getting an error when trying to load an interact custom track in
our mirror. It works at UCSC. I just updated the cgis, so have the most
recent version. I have searched the code but didn't see where the error
is coming from.

File 'MicroC_loops_G1Eer4_mm10_v3.interact.txt' - track load error (track
name='ct_microCloopsER4_4137'):<BR> Can't start query:<BR> create index
binChrom on t1_mery_72b5_9454a0 (chrom,bin)<BR> <BR> mySQL error 1071:
Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
(profile=<noProfile>, host=localhost, db=customTrash)<BR>


Maximilian Haeussler

May 8, 2024, 9:07:35 AMMay 8
to Belinda M. Giardine,
Hi Belinda,
the internet says that this error depends on your MySQL version:
Version 5.6 has a limit of 1000 bytes. 
We moved all servers to MariaDB 2 years ago, and our experience has been excellent. The packages are more up-to-date now, the versions are more stable and they are not changing things all the time. I don't know which linux version you're using, but you may want to upgrade to MariaDB, for every distribution we tried, the upgrade was extremely easy.

Let us know if that doesn't help and we can suggest alternatives,


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Belinda M. Giardine

May 8, 2024, 9:07:57 AMMay 8
to Maximilian Haeussler,
We are using version
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.39-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
using readline 5.2

I will see if Rico can do an upgrade.


On Tue, 7 May 2024, Maximilian Haeussler wrote:

> Hi Belinda,
> the internet says that this error depends on your MySQL version:
> Version 5.6 has a limit of 1000 bytes.
> We moved all servers to MariaDB 2 years ago, and our experience has been
> excellent. The packages are more up-to-date now, the versions are more
> stable and they are not changing things all the time. I don't know which
> linux version you're using, but you may want to upgrade to MariaDB, for
> every distribution we tried, the upgrade was extremely easy.
> Let us know if that doesn't help and we can suggest alternatives,
> best
> Max
> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 12:07?AM Belinda M. Giardine <>
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