v469 Genome Browser Patch Available

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Jonathan Casper

Aug 22, 2024, 3:55:43 AM8/22/24
to genome...@soe.ucsc.edu
Good Evening Genome Browser MIrror Site Operators:

A patch to the existing v469 release of the UCSC Genome Browser software has just been released.  The issue being fixed caused the Browser to crash when attempting to load or display remote halSnake tracks (most likely an issue when working with track hubs).  Those tracks should now be restored to full functionality.

The updated source code is available at 
Compiled CGI binaries will be available for download from our download server tomorrow (Thursday) morning by 9 AM PDT (4 PM GMT).  Servers that rely on those binaries (including GBiB and GBiC installations) can be updated after that time as follows.

If you use the GBiB virtual machine with auto-updates enabled, it will automatically update itself on Sunday. If you have installed your UCSC Genome Browser server with the GBiC installation script browserSetup.sh, then you can upgrade it with the command "sudo bash browserSetup.sh update".

If you have installed your Genome Browser manually:
  • You can use the following rsync command to copy the CGI binaries into the cgi-bin directory of your Apache server: rsync -avP rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/ ${WEBROOT}/cgi-bin/
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to write back to this genome-mirror mailing list.

Jonathan Casper
UCSC Genomics Institute
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