New Prediction Scores super track and BayesDel track for hg19

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Gerardo Perez

Mar 7, 2024, 7:20:14 PMMar 7

Hello Everyone,

We are happy to announce the new Human Prediction Scores super track for the GRCh37/hg19 assembly. This super track currently includes the BayesDel track, which can be used for clinical variant classification research. BayesDel is a deleteriousness meta-score for coding and non-coding variants, single nucleotide variants, and small insertion/deletions. The range of the score is from -1.29334 to 0.75731. The higher the score, the more likely the variant is pathogenic. There are eight subtracks for the BayesDel track: four include pre-computed MaxAF-integrated BayesDel scores for missense variants, one for each base. The other four are of the same format, but scores are not MaxAF-integrated.

We would like to thank the BayesDel team for providing precomputed data. We would also like to thank Tiana Pereira, Christopher Lee, Jeltje van Baren, Gerardo Perez, and Anna Benet-Pages for their efforts on this release.

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