RE: ctenophore genome

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Chetyrkin, Sergei

Jun 10, 2014, 5:56:40 PM6/10/14

Recently two ctenophore genomes were published and I wonder if you could make it available (along with their annotations) at UCSC GB?


Sergei Chetyrkin,
Research Assistant Professor of Medicine,
Vanderbilt University Medical Center,
Department of Medicine/Nephrology 
B-3221 Medical Center North
1161 21st Ave South,
Nashville, TN 37232

Brian Lee

Jun 11, 2014, 12:34:20 PM6/11/14
to Chetyrkin, Sergei,
Dear Sergei,

Thank you for using the UCSC Genome Browser and your request to add the two new ctenophore genomes. Our grant specifies that we focus our efforts on vertebrate genomes, so we do not have the resources to add these genomes internally, but we still have a mechanism in place to make them available through external hosting and support.

Our assembly hubs feature allows any lab to create a genome browser for their assembly of choice. If you build an assembly hub for these genomes following our wiki steps, we could then add a link on our public hubs page making them available for everyone.

Here is the main wiki page to follow, accessible from the track hub's user guide page:

You need a server that can host the data in publicly-accessible locations. You may want to start by building a simple hub following this quick start guide:

Once you have a basic hub on an existing UCSC assembly working, you can follow the wiki guide and use our existing plant assembly hub as a working example: 

I also highly recommend reviewing and searching our mailing list forum for real world example questions and answers about implementing assembly hubs:

If you decided to build this assembly hub and host the data, once it is working, we can add it to our public hubs page along side other externally hosted hubs:

Thank you again for your inquiry and using the UCSC Genome Browser. If you have any further questions, please reply to All messages sent to that address are archived on a publicly-accessible forum. If your question includes sensitive data, you may send it instead to

All the best,

Brian Lee
UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group


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