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Recap of Service Mesh Performance Community Meeting 30th September 2021

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Navendu Pottekkat

Sep 30, 2021, 11:29:29 AM9/30/21
to, Service Mesh Performance Community, Service Mesh Performance Maintainers


A recap of today's SMP Community Meeting. More details can be found in the meeting minutes.

  • A call for participation was made to review and improve the SMP specification.
    • A key discussion here was to whether we should be making the spec more generic. For example, we define an "IngressGateway" and an "EgressGateway" which could be reduced to just "Gateway" which can have a field that captures whether the traffic is inbound or outbound.
    • This is to reduce repetetion while ensuring the spec still captures all the details.
  • After defining benchmark tests, the Meshery SMP GitHub Action can be used to schedule these tests to be run automatically.
    • Initially, the tests will be GitHub Actions hosted runners using an Ubuntu 20.04 VM.
    • After ensuring that the tests work as intended and validating the results, CNCF's machines would be used for running the tests.
    • The goal here is to then publish these results.

Action items for next meeting:

  • Review and suggest changes to the specification.
  • [Sunku] Define SMP benchmark tests.
  • [Rudraksh] Schedule automatic tests using the GitHub Action.

The recording of the meeting will be available after processing on this YouTube playlist.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread.


Navendu Pottekkat | Layer5
the service mesh community
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